The Bakery's Enigma

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A presence in the Bakery illuminated the azure and mural on the wall, the world turned and encountered itself, burning. Leo, unlike the driver did not see through me in a talk of any matter, nor did his expression change like the passenger whose universe was snatched from his view as he died. I first noticed the skipping bugs that fluttered on the plain of my vision when Fatigue approached like a maroon and gold spine to the depths of my head. A panoramic sensation engulfed me as my arms took flight like the free beasts they couldn't be in my episode of the Stag, and the complexities of who I knew becoming furthered from me, Leo's expression hinted at a playful shock, then as my back hit the ground the tension and tessellation of the room broke. Leo outstretched a hand to no avail. It was morning when I awoke and the critters of the sun lit air played, avoiding the tumultuous horizon. The curtains disgusted me with the hue of the backroom of the bakery pinching the opposite to the window. My sneer alerted the room's inhabitants, and they ambled over the short two meters from a wooden console of pills and water to my ghostly bed. I swiveled the sheet with a decisive motion curling them with a righting motion, forming the pastry of the bed into buns and rolls. "Sure am glad you did awake Harper." there was no trailing off from his voice like I saw my coming response to have, then I further straightened myself and spoke clearly asking for "My coat". "Please, I need to show mister Andersone Something I picked up before my faint." I turned my head as a vane pointing to my coat that lay on an old, speckled stand along with Leo's floating tan coat that lay a navy pea coat in the bleak hospital light. "Witch one is yours Mrs. Blackwell?" Asked a male nurse in dark scrubs who looked at Leo for reassurance that I spoke English and he did as well. I saw the source of the light in the ceiling as my eyes wandered upwards as my head jerked back to the nurse who handed me my brown winter jacket with a bulge of a cross in the breast pocket, to an out sider it may have looked like a spiritual relief in my coat or a source of religious artifact. I looked at Leo then his empty coat on the steel, "we need to talk about what happened when the men came."  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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