It's all about bases (CH 11) FANON (Enid's return home)

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Enid's whole family- I said a total of 8 last time. Let me clarify that 8 are the total kids in the family. All boys, one girl.

Mr. Sinclair + Misses Sinclaire

Alexander/Alex Sinclair 21yrs old, Gabin Sinclair 18 yrs old, Lukas Sinclair 18yrs old, Jacob Sinclair 17yrs old, Hugo Sinclair 17yrs old, Gabriel Sinclair 16yrs old, Enid Sinclair 16yrs old, Max Sinclair 10 yrs old.

It goes from oldest to youngest. Those with the same age were born the same day.

Anyways, know that you know this.


[Well, home sweet home.] (E)

"Hey, sis." (Alex)

"Hey." (E)

"Need help with that?" (Alex)

"No, I can handle it myself." (E)

"Well I don't want to sound noisy, but a certain youngster told me you have a new boyfriend." (Alex)

[Max, that little runt.] (E)

"Yeah. Also, he's my first ever boyfriend so saying "new boyfriend" isn't cutting it, Alex" (E)

"Well, okay. I just want to be sure that he isn't going to be a disappointment to you." (Alex)

"Save the older brother's jealousy for when you actually get a chance to meet him in person." (E)

"Nah, rather do it right now. How can I trust this gorgon? I mean just like you said, it's not everyday you get a boyfriend. Let alone it being your first. So, don't expect much of him." (Alex)

"You know what. You know nothing about him. He's been super sweet and gentle and also let me mention to you that he helped me get to safety after wolfing out. Let alone patience. Something you don't have." (E)

"Wait, what did you just say?!" (Alex)

"No way! Did I hear that correctly? Enid, did you finally wolf-out?" (Max)

"What?" (E)

"Mom! Enid, finally wolfed out! Enid, wolfed out! Enid, wolfed out!" (Max)

"No, Max shut up..." (E)

Miss Sinclair, who was still unpacking some stuff from the car, came across wonderful news. She had been waiting for a very long time. She then rushed back inside to ask Enid.

"Is it true? You're not lying are you? Did you really wolf-out?" (Mrs. Sinclair)

Enid, who was trying to seek shelter from her oldest brother Alex, faded into nothing. Once she saw that he had vanished she knew she wouldn't have escape.

"I- um? Yeah?" (E)

"Oh, dear! This is wonderful news. Wait for till your father hears about this. Well, no time to waste. How was it? How did you feel? What did you do?" (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Mom, mom, mom! I don't even remember a thing about what happened. I was blurred out, as if something inside me kept me away from the action or something. I feel fine though." (E)

"Then,I must teach you. We'll get that wolf of yours out in no time and it will soon behave." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Wait, I don't need your help? I can do it alone. If not, I'll just ask dad." (E)

"That never missy! Your father has taught all the boys about wolfing out. You are my duty and responsibility. Mothers teach daughters and fathers teach sons. That's just logic sweetie. Besides, you need to get a hold of yourself especially if what you told me about that boy is true." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Yeah! Especially, that feminine urge to want to-" (Max)

"Max Sinclair! To your room now!" (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Ugh- Yeah mom." (Max)

The house was huge. 2 story floor. All the rooms were upstairs. A lower level which would be the basement. A yard to keep some busy. Not to mention a beautiful garden right outside. Enid's mom loved gardening. I'll leave this house to your imagination because everyone would like it to be different aside from the info I just gave.

"What? What does he mean by that?" (E)

"Enid, come over here. We need to talk about a few things." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Umm? Alright, but you're starting to freak me out a bit." (E)

"When someone wolfs out they don't only need to eat more meat. They have changes in their body too." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Ugh, no mom, we already had this conversation before." (E)

"No, we haven't missy. Listen closely, your hearing will be better than before. Your eyesight will be a slight expert at night, your anger can become worse and make you aggressive. Your scent will be better in all shapes." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Mom, I've already experienced all of those things." (E)

"Yes, but you haven't experienced the signs of you being an Alpha or Omega. Or wanting to be in control of territory or things you own. Like for example your little boyfriend. You might- no you will feel heat and urges. You will want to bite or leave a mark on someone as your protector and even feel the need to keep them at all times." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Uhh, heat huh?" (E)

"Yes, and I haven't even mentioned listing yourself to a pack." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"But, I don't want to be in a pack. Does that mean I will be forced into one?" (E)

"Oh of course not. Besides, we used to do it right after the first wolf-out. Now, we wait till you are 18 yrs old. By that time you will want to be in one. Trust me when I say you will be called to one." (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Can we cut the conversation for now. I'm still unpacking and my head is feeling dizzy." (E)

"Right, but remember I will be teaching you and guiding you through this process. It won't be the first time you wolf out. It's all about bases, honey!" (Mrs. Sinclair)

"Bases. Right." (E)

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