Who is That?

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July, 2023

Moving out: a right of passage into real adulthood. Skylar had always known that she wanted to leave her hometown and explore the world on her terms. However, her family was not so keen on the idea.

When Skylar first told her parents that she was moving to Washington, they couldn't believe it. They thought it was a joke at first, but when they realized she was serious, they became angry and upset. "Why would you do this to us?" her mother cried. "We've always been here for you, and now you want to leave us?"

Skylar tried to explain her reasons for moving, but her family wouldn't listen. They accused her of being selfish and ungrateful and said she was ruining the family by leaving. "You're tearing us apart," her father said sternly.

Despite the discomfort of the silence, Skylar remained resolute in her decision to follow her heart. As she reflected on the situation, memories of her childhood flooded her mind, reminding her of the sense of not belonging that had always lingered within her.

Moving across the country is never easy. For eighteen-year-old Skylar, leaving California for Washington was daunting. The prospect of leaving behind her friends and family was already hard enough, but the distance only added to the sense of uncertainty and anxiety.

Skylar had never been to Washington before, so she had no idea what to expect. The thought of navigating a new city, making new friends, and starting a new life would be both exciting and terrifying. As she packed up her belongings, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving behind the only home she had ever known.

The actual move itself was challenging as well. Skylar had to navigate the logistics of packing, shipping, and transporting her belongings 800 miles. She had to say goodbye to friends and family, knowing she may not see them again for a long time. And when she finally arrived in Washington, she had to adjust to a new environment, culture, and way of life.

August, 2023

Skylar arrived at her new home, a beautiful green house with a white picket fence. She was both excited and nervous. She had never lived away from her family before, and the thought of living with a stranger was daunting. Her new roommate, Ivory, had seemed nice over the phone, but you never know until you meet someone in person.

When Skylar stepped through the door, she was struck by how bright and spacious the house felt. The walls were white, and the floors were light-colored wood, which gave the home a clean and modern feel.

Skylar's bedroom was on the second floor, and she was surprised to see it was empty. There was no furniture, no decorations, nothing. The walls were still white, and the room surged with natural light from the large window looking over the backyard.

At first, Skylar was a bit disappointed. She had hoped for a cozy, furnished room to make her feel at home. As Skylar looked around the space, she saw potential. She could decorate the room however she wanted, make it her own.

Over the next few days, Skylar worked to make her room feel like home. She hung up some pictures on the walls, added some cozy blankets and pillows to the bed, and even bought a few plants to add some greenery to the space.

As she looked around her newly furnished room, Skylar felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had made this space her own. She knew she would be happy living here.

The following weeks were a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions for Skylar. She explored the city, met new people, and even tried some new foods. She was amazed by the beauty of Washington and the kindness of the people she met.

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