Will You Stay With Me?

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June 2024

Skylar sat at her desk, staring blankly at her computer screen. Her mind was racing, and she felt conflicted. Her sister, Ava, had reached out to her, claiming that she desperately needed her help. Ava had gotten sick and required a bone marrow transplant, and Skylar was a potential match.

Skylar had mixed feelings about helping Ava. They had a complicated relationship, and the last time they had spoken was before Skylar moved out of California to Washington. Ava had ignored her calls and messages since then, leaving Skylar feeling hurt and alone. Then came up just to ask for her help. Skylar couldn't shake the feeling that Ava only wanted her help because she needed something from her.

But then again, this was her sister's life on the line. As much as Skylar wanted to ignore the situation, she knew she couldn't turn her back on her family. She had to at least consider the possibility of helping Ava.

Skylar thought back to the events that had led up to this moment. Her family had come up to Washington to visit her, claiming they wanted to spend time with her and catch up. Skylar had been excited to see them, but her excitement quickly turned to anger and frustration when she realized they had only come to trick her into thinking they cared about her. In reality, they had only come to get her to agree to be a bone marrow donor for Ava.

As she weighed her options, Skylar couldn't help but feel conflicted. On one hand, she wanted to help her sister. On the other hand, she didn't want to be taken advantage of or hurt again by her family.

Skylar took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. She knew she needed to make a decision, but she didn't know what the right one was.

In the end, Skylar decided to talk to Ava and see what her intentions were. She knew it was a risk, but she couldn't just ignore the situation. She picked up her phone and dialed Ava's number.

"Ava, I need to know the truth. Why are you reaching out to me now?" Skylar asked, her voice shaking slightly.

Ava hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Skylar, I know we haven't always gotten along, but I need your help. I really am sick. You're the only potential match we've found so far. Lilly and Ethan aren't matches; Mom and Dad are too old and don't think they'll be matches either."

Skylar couldn't help but feel skeptical. "But why now? Why didn't you reach out to me before?"

Ava's voice faltered. "I'm sorry, Skylar. I know we haven't talked in a while. I was scared to reach out to you, but I really need your help now."

Skylar sighed, feeling torn. She wanted to help her sister, but she didn't want to be lied to or used. She knew she needed time to think about it.

After hanging up the phone, Skylar sat in silence, trying to process her thoughts. She knew that helping Ava would be a big decision, and she needed to make sure it was the right one. In the end, Skylar decided to get more information about the transplant process and her potential involvement in it before making a final decision.

Skylar knew that whatever she decided, would have a profound impact on her relationship with her family. But ultimately, she had to do what was best for her and her own well-being. One thing was for sure: this was not going to be an easy decision, and Skylar needed to take her time to make sure she made the right one.

July 2024

Skylar had been feeling anxious and stressed lately. Her sister had been going through a difficult time, and Skylar didn't know how to help her. She had tried to be there for her sister, but it seemed like nothing she did was working. She felt helpless and overwhelmed, and she didn't know what to do.

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