Chapter 2: Enrichment Day

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Karma gazed at Dene, the place he used to call home. He was one of the lucky few who got to go to the surface, as he was drafted just an hour prior for the 'Enrichment Day.' The warmth of the sun was something he hadn't felt in so long, and the blue sky had real clouds that drifted in the light breeze, which was cool to feel on his skin as it was the middle of fall. He looked around at nearby trees, with leaves of fire, and grass that was yellow and dry. He took a moment to close his eyes and just listen to the sounds of the birds and other wildlife, which were void from below.

The scent in the air was crisp and welcomed, as down in Hunloy it was very stale. He adjusted his white hoodie and his one of his tails within in, though uncomfortable allowed him to blend in easier. It was a grim reminder that even though he felt free, he wasn't. Per Eros, he needed to live the life of a criminal. It was a messed up system. Every Enrichment Day, ten"villains" were selected to go to the surface on the condition that they perform crimes. The bigger the crime, the bigger the rewards like money or better housing. But the bigger the risks too...

Karma recalled a poor soul who robbed a bank. If he had gotten away with it, he would have been the richest Hunloy resident. But he got caught... Though he hurt no one, he was deemed a danger to the citizens of Dene. The hero who caught him got to decide his fate, tragically. "Rid of the Filth!" The hero said and before the poor man could protest, a Reaper did the deed live. And everybody cheered....

It was a game to them, entertainment. Eros encouraged it too. That's why those labelled as villains had a chance to escape and get rewarded, but also why the heroes get more if they catch them. Given that heroes train more often, they usually won. Plus, everything was streamed with Eros' advanced camera system. So everyone got to see it and participate. The villains still got the shirt end even if they escaped, because they were now played up as criminals at large and can be citizen, hero, or even Reaper arrested. Reapers would kill you on the spot, heroes got to decide and usually chose death, and citizens will turn you into heroes or reapers. There was no winning if you were one of the 'disgraced.'

That being said, Karma took the Enrichment Days, when drafted, to stock up on some cash doing light pickpocketing that he knew Eros would see but wouldn't draw enough attention. He spent it mostly enjoying being back on the surface, experiencing sensations that were lost when living underground. He modified his hoodie to have a hidden pocket where he would stash the money and his valuables. Then he would just walk through the city casually, using small illusions to snatch money and using his charisma to distract from the extra tail he tried to keep hidden. He went sightseeing as if he was new to the city, though he had grown up here and knows most corners. To him, the Enrichment Day is a time to experience what he lost. He hated having to steal in the experience, however he knew that those who had money in Dene were flaunting it.

Eventually, he stopped at a bench in a park and counted the Wa'me he collected, currency made up of red and green card-like bills and some black and white coins. He then took out a small amount before placing the rest back in its secret home.

He sat on the bench for a moment, just enjoying the scene around him. Children playing on the playground equipment nearby, an ice cream truck parked at the other end with a swarm of customers, dogs playing or being walked, it was all just so peaceful. He forgot about the corruption and discrimination for a moment and just let this harmony flow over him.

He then grabbed a pair of glasses and put them on before grabbing a pair of earbuds, placing them into his cat ears. Using the menus and graphics he could see with the glasses, he set up some music and looked for a guide to a restaurant he's never been to before. With the addition of music, the sounds of the world around him faded into the background and he used the guide he found to lead him in real time.

Once he arrived at the restaurant, he took out his earbuds and removed his glasses, stashing them in the secret compartment in the hoodie. Then he took a look around. The restaurant was definitely family owned, as the building seemed very small and humble compared to the skyscrapers around it. The air around it smelled strong of various spices and wood chips, making Karma even more hungry.

He walked inside to find a very warm and inviting setting, with dimmer lights and tables with colorful fabricated stools. On the walls was a variety of colorful tapestries and the walls themselves were a beautifully stained wood. There was a sign to seat himself with menus to grab, and so Karma situated himself and browsed the options. He was soon helped by an older and rounded gentleman with a large mustache and large eyebrows and tanned skin. His face shone his grin all over, from his rosy cheeks to the sparkles in his brown eyes. "Hi! Welcome! Have you decided on a drink yet? If not, may I recommend our huckleberry lemonade? Our huckleberries and lemons are picked fresh!"

Karma and the gentleman got to talking as food came out, no one else in the restaurant to bother them. They talked for at least an hour and just started to say their farewells when the mood suddenly shifted and the man's smile fell. He looked sad and worried, and Karma just had this sinking feeling. "Lad, you have two tails..." Karma didn't realize that he had gotten too relaxed and revealed his second tail. His face flushed red with embarrassment and he knew what was coming next.

"Look, you seem nice and I certainly like you. You've changed my perspective. But, understand, Fallen are bad for business. Thank you but I need to ask you to leave immediately, lad. It's such a shame, I did enjoy our conversation but you can't stay. Eros is always watching."

Karma understood and sighed, saying his final goodbyes, hiding his extra tail again, and leaving. While this man was nicer than others, he was getting tired of being seen a certain way because he had one extra tail. He was about to put his music back in and carry on, when suddenly-


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