Chapter 7: Closing In

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              The two continued to discuss details of their revolution late into the night. Blythe turned off her device periodically so as to not gain any suspicion. Finally, they ended their conversation but it was too late for Karma to head back home. He decided to stay the rest of the night, expecting to not get any sleep and knowing he missed his day to refresh some supplies at home due to the markets closing until next Monday. He inwardly groaned, knowing he was running short on food and that he would have to work the crops with the rest of Hunloy without any sleep. However, he figured this was an important enough conversation to make that sacrifice.  

            Blythe led him over to a wall, or rather a false wall, which led to a hidden hallway when they passed through the wall illusion. “I built this as a shelter away from Eros. Nobody but me lives in this building so I built this to go through unmonitored rooms. No worries, they won’t randomly place someone here, this building is abandoned. I’m its sole resident due to being unable to relocate after the building was shut down. That’s why there is only surveillance in my apartment, as they weren’t expecting I’d do something like this! I have it programmed to display us sleeping in the main room, so they won’t know we’re missing.” 

            Thoroughly impressed, Karma gazed around the hidden area, finding it to lead to some sort of lab. He had gathered that she was some kind of tech whiz, but had no idea just how much she actually did. The lab was filled with several experiments, not just technologies and inventions, but liquids in beakers and more too. What caught his eye was a pair of the same prototype glasses he had that he handed over to the little boy. It dawned on him that she must have been the creator of them. “Dang, who are you again..?” He found himself saying without realizing.  

            Blythe laughed before grinning proudly. “To Eros? I am a thorn in their side. To Dene, I am under the alias of ‘Atlas co.’ To Hunloy, I am nothing but a mere shadow people pay no attention to. To you? Blythe is perfectly fine!”  

            “Wait- Atlas?? That’s the top tech company in Dene! How-“ 

            Blythe cut him off with,” My mom originally ran the company. When she died, I inherited it. Eros allows it because it benefits them as well. However, the catch is that I need to give them free product and find my own parts.” Karma pieced it together and his eyes widened in surprise. “Your mom… Was she Lotus Helena? If so, that would make you that Blythe Helena, deemed a prodigy in science and inventions… If I remember correctly, your dad is unknown and you have a twin bro-“ 

            “Uh, yeah. That’s me! Though, I’m no prodigy, just have a major interest in science and technologies. My…Um, my brother, Kalani Helena, he is-was… Um, he loves history. Can tell you this world’s entire history and how Dene and Hunloy became the two major cities. Outside of here, Eros’ rule isn’t as strong. But not a lot of people survive outside the cities either.” Blythe seemed to recede into herself for a moment when discussing her brother. Karma thought it was strange but didn’t dive into it. He knew everyone had their own demons. 

            Blythe, however, was trying hard to be present but the mention of Kalani had inwardly sent her mind into a spiral. She zoned out while Karma was checking out the various devices and projects within the lab. She tried to breathe and smile and bear it, but at this point she felt herself slipping into a time she kept reliving but wished she didn’t. She excused herself to step outside, though Karma didn’t notice due to a gadget catching his eye, him feeling like a kid in a candy shop.  

            Blythe’s breathing quickened and her eyes darted about, no longer seeing her home. She felt her heart race just as fast as her mind and she began to shake slightly, trying desperately to pull herself out of the hell she fell into. The more she tried though, the more she focused on the visions only she could see.  

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