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The woman above is 'the lady'

Akela POV

An echoed sound blared through my head making my eyebrows furrow as I shifted my body trying to get comfortable. I had a headache, my body was burning and my throat was dry. My eyes slowly fluttered open as my hand came up to my face to rub my eyes.

"I would advise you to not do that darling," an unknown, soft voice came from my right side. As I turned my body around to look at who the voiced belonged to. Wearing an ivory colored gown which the sleeves ran down to her wrist, and red stitches embroided into the sleeves, neck and bottom part of the dress making designs, was a lady. Her curly hair was shifted onto one of her shoulders, a few loose curls framing her face. Her face was peaceful and she looked elegant, she probably was looking at the way she sat on the chair beside me.

She smiled softly before continuing to talk, "My name is Delphina darling, I am the queen's head scribe, and the duchess of the vampire kingdom."

My eyes widened slightly as my eyebrows furrowed. How was I in the vampire land..? Wasn't I lost in the 'Magic World'. " V-ampire?" my voice came out raspy and my throat got even dryer as I tried to sit up to cough. Delphina quickly got up taking a few steps to a small table which a clear jug with green leaves in it sat and a glass cup. She poured water into the glass quickly and stood by my side as she crouched down to help me sit up. She helped me hold the glass with both hand as I chugged it down some water dripping down the side of my mouth in the process.

When I was done I handed her back the glass and looked up. She was so freaking tall, I stared in awe as she placed the glass on the end table next to the bed and straightened out the bottom of her dress. "Tall," I muttered as she looked down and chuckled softly. "Although I am only 6,5 compared to my family I am short. I looked at her in disbelief, 6,5 was defiantly not short. Well atleast for me since I was 5,3

She sat down beside me on the bed and as it dipped from her weight I adjusted my sitting position due to my back hurting. Actually my whole body was aching , from my muscles down to my bones all my limbs were sore. Why was my body sore..? " 'm sore.." I whispered as she placed the bowl of ice water that was seated on the end table on her lap and dipped a small, white rag in it. "Well after all that has happened to you the past two days, I would not be suprised if your body ached my darling." she said as she passed the rag on my forehead tilting my head back a bit. My eyes furrowed as I tried processing what she said. She looked at me confused for a second before her lips tugged downwards into a small frown. "You do not remember what happened.. do you?" she asked softly.

Just then mine and Sia's memories rushed back to me. We were trapped between four misty figures. Sia's breathe quickened as she whimpered, she tried to stay on all fours and look scary but her growls were useless since she was a puppy. Her throat closed slightly from all the hyperventilating. One of the misty figure wrapped around her body and she panicked even more as she snarled out trying to grasp for air. Exhaustion ran through our shared wolf as we started to shift involuntarily. Our bones ached and our minds clouded as we were mentally split apart. Tearing our shared mind into single ones our bones extended as we shifted back to human form our muscles stretching in the process. Before I could even open my eyes again my body layed limp from exhaustion, passing out on the grass infront of the misty figures.

I felt two arms wrap around me rubbing my back in a calming way as the other one held my head. Delphina had brought me closer to her as I snuggled to her side. I didn't even realize that I was crying. She held me close at her waist as I tucked my head into her chest trying to catch my breathe. Her fingers grazed my nape down to my back through the white, chemise I was wearing. This went on for a few minute as I calmed down. She didn't push me away as I started falling asleep, instead she whispered sweet nothings to me helping me feel more relaxed until fell into my slumber.

I felt a wet cloth on my forehead as my eyes fluttered open. My body felt hot and my muscles still ached. As my eyes fully opened I realized that it was Delphina. She gave me a soft smile as she removed the rag submerging it hack it the bowl if water. She placed it on the side table and stood once more going back to the small table which had the water jug, beside it there was a tray of what I thought was food. I shifted my body to have a better view of her. There was a window on the back wall and the curtains were draped down. I could see it was dark outside.

Delphina picked up the tray and made her way back to the bed. I slowly sat up sitting criss cross since that was the only proper way to sit. "You're probably hungry so I have small variety of some dinner here for you.." she said as she sat. I leaned forward looking at the tray. From what I could identify there was chicken, a leg that was cooked and one was a bit raw, baked potatoes, a small bowl which had an orange looking soup in it and a spoon with a cool design. "Thank you," I said smiling as I looked up at her. She was right, I was starving my belly rumbled at the thought.

It didn't take long for me to finish all the food. I was stuffed, it had been way to long since I had been satisfied with how much I ate. Thats when I remembered I had never told Delphina my name."Delphina," I said catching her attention as she placed the tray on the end table. "My name is Akela..you told me your name but I never said mine,"I said as she stood next to the bed. She chuckled softly as she cupped my face. "A pretty name for a pretty pup," she said softly and I grinned nodding. No one had ever called me pretty before.

  She removed her hand from under my face as her hands went to play with my hair removing it from the ponytail it was tied with and letting my curls bounce as they came loose from the hold." My hair is knotted," I said softly looking up at her. "Would you like me to comb it?" She asked as her fingers gently passed through my curls. I nodded excitedly and she chuckled softly.

Her fingers gently passed through my curls removing some of the knots. She finger separated my hair into two parts and started to make one conroe. How her hands moved in my hair was so relaxing and before I knew it my eyes were fluttering closed and my head was being laid back on the pillow.

I've decided I'm going to post the book now!!

This book is going to be my main one since I have a lot of inspiration. If you want updates please vote and comment! It gives me motivation

Love Lia<3🌻💛🐺

~The Royal Pup~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن