dislikes and possible friendships

168 3 1

mentioned ed very briefly at the beginning
unnecessarily long descriptions(not a tw)

co-written by a friend who doesnt have wattpad. (neither of us know how to write people conversing so if this is awkward blame us)


DEC. 18

noah wipes his mouth as quickly as he can and flushes the toilet, groaning. he's never forgiving himself for running off like that. he stands up, his legs were embarrassingly shaky.

walking back over to where he was previously sitting, owen captures him in a spine crushing hug.
"oh, little buddy! i was so worried since you ran off like that!"
noah winces at the reminder (and also at the fact that he can feel his ribs cracking).

"don't...worry, owen..."
he pats him on the back, luckily, owen takes the hint and stops hugging (strangling) him.

the colorful bright lights flickered while music blasted from the speakers and through the whole house, it was almost too overwhelming for noah. noah never liked parties, or any social gathering for that matter. which leads him to the question; why did he agree to come here in the first place? to be nice. it was his best friend who asked (begged) him to come, after all.


noah REALLY didn't like the music. he never liked any kind of music. it never appealed to him.

his phone buzzed. a text from the group chat.


[Trent:] hey i'm here sorry i was late :) Heathers with me too

[Geoff:] glad you came trent-ster!! i was starting to think you weren't coming 😅



noah wasn't sure what to think about him, they hadn't interacted that much after all. getting eliminated 3rd on island, not getting in action, and then trent not getting on world tour, there weren't very many times they could've talked.

he knew the guy liked music. trent was part of a boy band...the drama brothers, was it? cody, justin, and harold was in it. trent played the guitar, but noah wasn't quite sure what everyone else played. did justin even play anything? he normally just sat there and looked pretty.

as he expected, the doors did open, and heather walked in, trent following closely behind.
"trent! heather! glad you could make it!"
geoff exclaims, waving at them both.

trent waves back, while heather just ignores him and walks away.

trent soon does the same. noticing noah sitting away from everyone else, he comes close to greet him.
"oh, hey, noah. i know we, like, never talked at all on the show, but why are you just sitting here and disassociating?"
he asks.

noah blinks.
"...and why do you care?"

trent pauses for a moment, he sighs.
"don't avoid the question, noah."

"...i don't like parties."
noah mutters, shifting away awkwardly.
"the music's too loud and there's too many people."

trent nods,
"i can get that. hey, i could get you somewhere where there's not as many people and where the music's not as loud? i know a place."

"...i'd appreciate that. thanks. i guess."

noah gets up and follows trent silently.

fortunately — trent wasn't lying. (why would he be?)
the music was quieter and it was just the two of them.

noah tried to recall any interaction he had had with trent, but none came to mind. he struggled to understand why trent was being so kind to him, given their limited connection.

"...why are you doing this?"
noah whispered hesitantly, breaking the silence between them.

"doing what?"
trent questions.

"being nice. it's weird. what reason do you have?"

trent tilted his head to the side, his expression unwavering.
"i don't need a reason to have to be nice to someone. it doesn't matter to me if we hardly interacted. why should it?"

noah hummed in response,

they both sat in silence again. it was nice, being able to get away from the blaring music.

he smiled. maybe the party wasn't so bad.

total drama chat fic (cancelled i am not proud of this fic)Where stories live. Discover now