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What else could be worse
Than to feel alone while
Others talk trash and curse
Others which churns my bile

To empty the contents on
Their very sight, how much hate
Can someone possibly have on
Another that they'll prepare baits

Just so they make innocence
Feel miserable, sadists all of them;
Public fears them, watches like an audience
No one helps, blame us for walking in a den

It takes more than meets the eye
Do you want me to say my goodbyes
So soon that you're raised up high
Appreciated for your small size

Got the guts say it to my face
Say I'm the enemy, I'll keep quiet
And see if you can keep the pace
Up with your insults if you can but wait

Don't ask for it since I still will forgive
You ask for less when there's much more
Within me you don't know i can give
Only if you could see me and before

You make any judgement just stop
And listen to what I have to say
Then say whatever is left on the spot
Then leave or stay is upto you but hey

I am going into a mindless summer
Was innocent, thought I'm a new comer
Held expectations, getting back what i give
I wished them well, i believed in no karma

Jealous i was yes but I still held back
Material?no, only deeds I will take back
Like Santa Claus carrying a big red sack
Sound familiar?

Tell me once would be better
Off without me existing on the planet
Would everything be the same even when
I'm not there? What can I do better

To be of use, if any
I think far too many
Thoughts that never stop in silence
Although I know it's ironic since

Two things happen at once
For me that kill me everytime
Might I be part of the ones
Built or born different mishapen I'm

Not human nor am I myself
Probably of another sort
Neither synethzoid nor
Robot, what even of me is left?

My one held me up
My one never stood me up
My one supported me
My one protected me

My one said to not give up
He taught me all i know
My one always helped me up
Like others, our memories are not for show

My questions were answered
When i was alone, he came to rescue me
When sad, his jokes are feathers to me
The feeling is real, his memory, his words

Now tell me, would i still matter?
Would my passing leave anyone tattered
Parents don't live forever, i long swallowed
The pill before, but one thing's for sure,
I'm not shallow

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