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A futile journey that life is.
Some things await as we wander,
Wondering what the next surprise is.
Perhaps something over which we'll ponder

Of our actions, words and deeds,
Of whom we talk to, whom we feed
Of those who passed tests, bore fruit at the end
Of whom we dislike and whom we befriend

Of a sweet friendship such as one
That last long till Hell calms
Of a darling love that may not or may be
One such that promises sanctuary in their arms

Of as long as oceans take to dry up
I keep close to heart the times of
Joy, sorrow, failure, success and the smiles of
whom I held dear and hoped to meet
With no tears of joys even, just smiles of glee

Ponder of when you're deathbed awaits
What do you have with you?
A car?, A bungalow?, Money?, your mates?
Then think again, and recall your deeds numbered a few

May the Lord be praised.
I pray He bless me in what may come by
I want not to be in your place, and wonder why
Was I never that way raised?

I'll remember how, I was but a clot
Warm in the womb, process took months to fulfill
The Lord perfected my form, I'm grateful a lot
When that was complete, then I was filled

A soul entered this vessel of Lord's,
Deep in slumber still
I neither remember, and nor
Do I recollect, but for sure I was by His Will

This process step by step followed
Each other's footsteps, yet you say we
All "just" came to be, idiotic idea, borrowed
Copied even by many, mindlessly

Ponder once, Ponder twice
Instead of false, let the truth prevail
A bit of research could suffice
Later the Lord's power you will hail.

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