Chapter 1 - They Became Roomates

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Kaveh was alone, seated in the upper level of Lambad's tavern, the building lit up with the warm hue from the lamps. The table was occupied only by various empty glasses long left by a night of drowning his sorrows. It was quite an unexpected sight for the just-arrived Alhaitham, who had come for a drink himself after a long day.

"What are you doing here by yourself? And oh... Oh dear..."
Before Alhaitham could finish his thought he noticed some muffled sniffling sounds coming from Kaveh. It's been such a long time since he has seen Kaveh and to see him in this state.
Deep down within his cold demeanour, he did feel some level of pity towards him, whether that was due to how close they had gotten before in that darned group project, or just because he felt that this was bound to happen sooner or later. Either way, seeing Kaveh completely broken down in front of him did take him by surprise. Then, Kaveh started to direct his mumbles towards him.

"..Aal...Haitham?? *sniff* Wha, why are you here!? I-I just wanted some.. *sniff* ....quiet."

"Kaveh," Alhaitham sat down. "You need to go home. I think you've had enough-" Before Alhaitham finished his sentence Kaveh burst into tears. Again.

"HOME?? I HAVEN'T GOT A HOME!.. N-Not anymore... All because Mum left for Fontaine and the Palace was a shitshow and left me in mooooore debt because of that stupid Dori... UGHH!..*Sniff* And now, I've got to sell my house somehow juuuust to make some of the money I owe back... *sniff* I just.... I don't know what to do..."

After a short pause, Kaveh continued ranting about various issues, such as clients and how tricky it is to get good work when everyone is so critical of the art aspects of his designs.
Meanwhile, Alhaitham has been patiently listening, while sipping his own wine and occasionally passing tissues over to Kaveh who just crumples them up as soon as he gets them.

"Well? Are you going to say anything, Mr Always Right!?!?"
He almost cried out with that sarcastic tone. While Alhaitham could easily explain how he is not always right, now is definitely not the time.

*Sigh* "We can discuss the details later, but for the time being, come with me." Alhaitham started to clear the table without any hint of a further explanation, and Kaveh was baffled as to what he meant, however, he was too drunk to question any further, the boost from his last drink wearing off quickly into sleepiness.

By the time Alhaitham had stacked the glasses and had taken them downstairs, Kaveh was almost dozing off, his head in his arms. Alhaitham decided that it would be best for Kaveh to stay the night at his place as it would be a safe environment and didn't require any effort to get the location out of the wasted man.

The walk back to Alhaitham's home was short and not overly eventful, except for the staggering from Kaveh who was struggling to walk straight, and whom Alhaitham had a tight grip on due to the fact his home was a few levels up from the tavern. The ramps in question had little to barricade the edges for drunkards and children so of course he had to be careful where Kaveh was wobbling. Alhaitham could hear light mumbles and sniffles during the remainder of the walk, as if clueless to what was happening.

They got back just after 10:30 pm, and as soon as Alhaitham guided Kaveh to his sofa, Kaveh flopped down and fell fast asleep in an instant. Alhaitham smiled to himself at the sight of his old friend fast asleep on his sofa and placed a blanket over him. He quietly walked to his room to also go to sleep, and as he was doing so he thought about all the things Kaveh said. No matter, he would deal with him in the morning...

The Egoist and the Idealist (Kaveh x Alhaitham)Where stories live. Discover now