The Unfamiliar Familiar

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Kaveh was awoken by a ray of sunshine cast across his face. He noticed the smell of coffee filling the air and an odd fluttering sound. His eyes open to see an unfamiliar room filled with books and artifacts, each one covered in a fine layer of dust. Turning his eyes over to the origins of the fluttering noise, he was greeted by Alhaitham's firm gaze, who quickly glanced back down at the book he was reading.

Oh so that's where that sound is coming from - WAIT A MINUTE! What am I doing here!?? In Alhaitham's house??!
Before Kaveh could continue his thought, it was like Alhaitham knew what he was about to ask before he could even open his mouth.

"You were drunk, so I took you home. Well to my home, because I don't know where you live." After a short pause, he began again. "Want a coffee? Might help with the hangover."

"Huh? Oh um sure, but I don't feel too bad right now." That was a lie. He could feel his head pulsing with the beginnings of a migraine right as he spoke, possibly aided by the bright sun shining through the windows. He shut his eyes and wrapped his arms over his face to block out all the light.

As he laid there, splices of memories came back to him about how he spent his evening overthinking each problem he had come up against and how he felt utterly hopeless. Then, the memories of Alhaitham sat there, listening to his troubles. It's been such a long time since he spoke to Alhaitham in person, it didn't make sense as to why he would be there, listening to him rant of all things.

"Here's your coffee. I've also pulled the curtains shut again so you can remove your arms now." Alhaitham placed the coffee on the table in front of where Kaveh was lying. "If I remember correctly you take it with milk and 4 spoons of sugar right?" Alhaitham said, without even hesitating to think.

"Yeah... That's right." He paused to process everything so far, and although he attempted to sit up, however, the sudden movement was not taken kindly by his migraine which caused him to wince. "Hey... Um, Alhaitham you got any like... Painkillers?" As he finished speaking he looked down at the coffee on the table and noticed a pack of painkillers, a hot water bottle and a glass of water accompanied said coffee. "oh.. thank you, I didn't see those there..." Kaveh looked up and saw a slight smile as Alhaitham continued to read. Whether it was aimed at Kaveh or the book, he would never know.

Kaveh leaned forward and immediately grabbed the painkillers, washing them down with the water. Then, he took the hot water bottle and coffee, sat back and tried to relax. However, the migraine continued to loom over him. He gave a quick glance to Alhaitham, who was still fully engrossed in his book.

What in teyvat could be that interesting anyway!?

"You need a place to live, am I right in thinking?" Alhaitham queries, cutting through the brief silence. "Yeah... It's a long story. But I need to find a place soon so I can start the process of paying back Dor - I mean Lord Sangemah Bay" Kaveh sighed.
"No need to explain, I heard enough about that last night. However, I may know somewhere you could live from now on if you are interested." He paused, glancing towards Kaveh. His gaze; stern with a slight hint of softness.

"Oh? Wait really!? You know somewhere I could live? Like 100% would take me on ASAP?!" Kaveh couldn't believe his ears, he'd been looking around for small lodgings or houses, even on the outskirts of the city. Heck, he would even live in Port Ormos if he had to.

I wonder where he means, oh hopefully it's a nice location, no I shouldn't be greedy... I'll take whatever he has found!

"Here, You could live with me. We both earned this building after all. I've even got a spare room which I happened to clear out this morning." Alhaitham pauses to try and discern the emotion on Kaveh's face. A mix of bewilderment, excitement and maybe an ounce of worry?

"However you would have to share the study and bathroom with me. Hope that's alright. Oh and don't worry about rent or anything like that." Continued Alhaitham. At this point, Kaveh opened his mouth about to say something but paused to think some more. "So... You... You want me to move in with you? Like... Right now?... I- I don't know what to say..." Kaveh said with uncertainty.

Live with Alhaitham? What a thought.

The man he used to be close with, who Kaveh considered a nuisance sometimes due to his opposing critical worldview and criticisms towards Kaveh, was asking if he wanted to live with him. Even after they fell out?

I suppose I don't really have any other options. He did also say to not worry about rent.. I mean, I wouldn't call this a bad thing... But how did things turn out like this? That guy definitely wouldn't take me in for no reason and without expecting anything... But what could I possibly do for him?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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