Chapter One: First Impressions

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Terminal 2

Pudong International Airport

Shanghai, China

1355 Hours

My first impressions of China weren't great — In fact, they were horrible. As soon as we arrived and got off the plane, we were greeted by a whole brigade of Security Officers coated head to toe in all-white hazmat suits and hand sanitizer. "Geez! Talk about being paranoid. This makes germaphobes look like slobs. " Mike exclaimed, his James Bond suitcase in tow. Mike had been my best friend at my old NORMAL school, but after I left for "St Smithens Science Academy for Boys and Girls" — The front for spy school, Mike had been extremely frustrated that I hadn't told him the truth about me being a spy. Eventually, he found out and, after joining spy school, he developed a strong interest in James Bond. He was a prime example of what Murray called a "Fleming" — a student who entered spy school expecting to be like James Bond, only to find out that this was not the case. Only the 6 years got to go on missions before they go onto work for the CIA, where they will be lucky to even get an analyst job. Murray Hill was a previous spy school student, albeit not a very good one. After flunking various classes, he defected to SPYDER, an evil organization content on causing destruction and mayhem. We had stopped his plans, however, he still was annoyingly hard to stop. I had already nearly died more than 15 times over to stop his plans. On our previous mission, Murray had framed Erica for the murder of a infamous drug dealer named El Diablo. Erica had been innocent, obviously, and Murray had been sent into protective custody. Erica is easily one of the most talented spy school student who has been training to be a spy ever since she has been born. And, she also is my girlfriend. Ever since arriving at spy school, I had a huge crush on her, but Erica immediately turned me away. However, fate put us together on many missions, and now I had finally won her affection. But after 8 months of normal spy school life, Murray had caused mayhem once again. Someone tipped off the CIA that Murray had traveled to China, and of course, the Agency carted us off to confront him. So there we were, 15 hours later, standing in the Shanghai Airport. "It's just that covid is on the rise, and China is SUPER content with its 'zero covid policy' — they are basically trying to totally eliminate Coronavirus in China." Erica explained. "That's crazy though! There is absolutely no way that's going to happen. " I said. Erica shrugged. "There's always a first."  

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