Chapter Three: Relatives

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South Wing 

Jinshan Quarantine Centre

Shanghai China 

0100 Hours

"Psst! Ben! Ben!" I woke up to the sound of someone whispering into my ear. Jawa. I got up, stumbled out of my cardboard box, and answered. "What? It's the middle of the night! You couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" "Well, I could, but then Erica would be mad I didn't show her this at once." He opened the note that was crumbled in his hand and showed it to me. On the note it said: "Meet me at the Oriental Pearl Tower at 1000 Hours on the nose. 78th floor. We can work things out. " And just below that, there was a signature that made my blood run cold: Joshua Hallal. "What?! I thought Joshua was dead!" "Guess not." Last time we had seen Joshua, he was tumbling out of a train going 160 mph and plummeting 100 meters into a pool of man eating crocodiles -- how had the guy not die? But now, we had bigger problems to deal with. While I went to rouse Erica and Zoe, Jawa went to wake Mike, Chip and Cyrus.  Erica immediately got out of bed when she sensed be coming -- she probably was only pretending to be asleep. "I assume you're all caught up?" I asked before going to wake Zoe. "Yep. Better then ever." Erica replied. She was in her standard black one piece spy gear, loaded with all kinds weird spy stuff. After bringing everyone up to date on what happened. We started devising a plan to break out. But Erica just nodded disapprovingly. "No need for that. I got it all covered. " Everyone looked at Erica, dumbfounded, then listened up for her plan. So at oh-two hundred hours, we put her plan into work. All we had to do basically was quietly slink out of the south wing and into the north wing, and supposedly just walk out the door while Erica dealt with the bad guys. It didn't seem quite like the Ice Queen to make that simple of a plan, but I expected something up her sleeve. Turns out, I was right. After arriving at the front door, a muscular boy with a matching sleek black outfit with Erica had already gone to work beating up the bad guys. Erica gave one of her rare smiles and said: " Hey little bro. Nice work."

I'm sorry imma leave it at a cliff hanger so ye.   

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