Concepts (Again? Pt. 3)

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Fang POV
"Page 324. Reaviniatization," Colette had whispered a second ago.

Everyone stared at the Kyroire, reading the whole page of instructions. With each new sentence, our jaws hung lower and lower until it felt like it was no longer connected to our face.

The yellowed page of the book read, "Reaviniatization. If a person has been aviniatized before, they can be reaviniatized again, when their emotions reach the right scale, without an actual avinia. In case of a transmission message carried out by a captured Kyra, it also will not release any new letters that can inform someone of the Kyra's location. Note for an additional Vika to assist aviniatized people: the emotion of the reaviniatized person shall decide the Vika. This is uncontrollable. "

Many diagrams were drawn below the words to illustrate the deeper meaning of the paragraph, but everyone had one important question in mind.

"Master Byron, did you know of this weird concept?" Gimmi asked, beating everyone to the question.

"I've never heard of it up until today," Byron admitted, "but I will try to do some research on it to find out more about this whole 'Reaviniatization' concept."

"So, now that Lodestar has learned about this concept of Reaviniatization, the three villains we've faced so far can be infinitely reaviniatized, and each time with a new Vika?" I questioned.

"Basically, yes," Evex answered, "Unless we find a way to prevent this."

"But there isn't even a way to stop this! The Kyroire has nothing on prevention of Reaviniatization!" Marco pointed out.

"The Kyroire!" I remembered. "Is there anything on the next page?"

Leon flipped to the next page immediately, only to find one single sentence.

"No ways of prevention, " Tokki read out loud. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Well, until Master finds a way to prevent this, we'll just find a way to deal with these reaviniatized people." Jaek-o decided.

Edgar's next words disappeared in a sudden screeching noise.

"Great. Hearthunter's back," I said sarcastically. "With...whatever that...white-red warrior person is. Gimmi, bring the storm!"

Everyone somersaulted out of the window, ready to battle the new enemies.

When Byron turned back, he was heaving a huge stack of books. He said, "Ok, here are all the books that have to do with avi—wait, where did they go?"


"Hearthunter! Why are you back again?" I shouted at the villain.

"I'm not answering that, Astro. I would like it if you could stand still for a moment, though." Hearthunter smiled at me, unleashing a dozen arrows at me.

"Teleto, use your second chance. We have no idea what that weird thing there is," I called, pointing at the warrior Vika.

Hearthunter laughed, "My dear Astro, come here, my future boyfriend—this way, Oni-Go-Te won't hurt you on accident."

"He's already taken! Find your own!" Hydro yelled through gritted teeth, blasting Hearthunter against a wall and smashing her through it. She turned on Oni-Go-Te, who raised her long purple sword and spun it. Just as Hydro's flood swirled towards her, she disappeared.

"Where did she go?" Hydro asked in confusion. Then I spotted Oni-Go-Te creeping up on Hydro. "No, you don't!" I snarled silently, blasting a huge sphere of lightning at her. Unable to teleport fast enough, she was slammed against the wall.

"Pyral, Moonshot, you guys deal with Hearthunter and stall her for a while. Teleto, Hydro, Psionio, here's the plan..." I whispered.

"Action!" The six of us shouted.

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