The Drive

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Haha^^^ All right's go to Marvel.


She threw her red jacket in the bag and stared at all the empty space that was left of the carrier. Nothing else was left to pack, so what was she supposed to do? Wanda sighed, and turned around when she saw Clint's shadow standing at the door. He looked at her up and down. She raised her eyebrows, and he snickered at her apprehensive look.

"Get your head out of the gutter! I was analyzing your size of clothing. You're about Laura's size. I'm sure you can fit into some of her clothes she's not using right at the moment," When Wanda shared not one look of understanding, he explained further. "I mean, she does have a stomach the size of a watermelon."

She threw her head back and sighed. His wife was pregnant too? How could she not of known that? You know, it may be rude to intrude forth into ones thoughts, but it sure as hell would help with important information she needed to know.

Wanda reflected onto his previous words and shook her head,

"I couldn't do zat, take your wife's clothes, I mean-" She looked at Clint's expression and knew it was no use. He was already thinking the word 'no' over and over, and his face said it all. She slumped her shoulders. "Okay."

Wanda dumped her jacket out and put it on instead. She left the bag on the bed with a sour expression. Clint nodded in approval; she was learning the ways of a Barton real quick.

"You ready? It's a long drive."

Wanda shrugged. She had done a lot of simply just waiting in her life. Surly an hour or two in a car with Clint Barton wasn't going to be that bad?

"Is it going to keel me?"

"'Might." Was his blunt answer.

Wanda hesitantly walked out and with Clint behind her; they walked their ways down the halls. They walked shoulder to shoulder and she could feel the excitement rolling off of him and the emotion try to grab onto her. She slightly moved away.

Wanda then watched his feet after she moved and swore he skipped at one point. His feet were quick and she felt as if they were now jogging— not walking.

She reached the end of the hall and opened the doors to the outside parking lot. The archer bounded out like a kid who just got out of a long day of school. Wanda watched him with a mixture of envious humor.

Clint wove his way through the cars no doubt from various agents and led her to his truck; where Wanda saw with interest that Vision was standing by. She approached him with a quizzical stare while Clint 'walked' near him and patted his back. He smiled like a kid and looked at Wanda.

"This is my solution to where you won't be killing my kids in your sleep." He said it so joyously that Wanda didn't necessarily think he knew that what he said was a serious issue and she probably shouldn't even be going near his house... Ever.

These thoughts led to her staring blankly at Clint. She then turned thoughtful for a smidgen of a second. It did assure her that he cared about his kids this much. But  a question was still left unanswered.

How was Vision the solution?

The man himself was one step ahead, "If I may, the reason I'm going is not because I'd like to see Clint's family, but because I'd like them to be... Not injured."

Wanda stared at Vision with confusion and hid her involuntary amusement. But it wasn't far when she let her expression turn dark and got in the truck. She sat in the passengers seat, and then slammed the door with a force that shook the whole car.

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