The Science Project

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The next day at Hawkins Middle School, Will found himself partnered with Mike for a science project. It was a golden opportunity to spend more time together, but Will couldn't shake his nerves. As they gathered their materials, Will fumbled with the beakers, accidentally spilling water on the table.

"Whoa, careful there, Will!" Mike chuckled, grabbing a paper towel to help clean up the mess. Will blushed, embarrassed by his clumsiness.

As they worked on their project, Will couldn't help but appreciate how well they complemented each other. Mike's confidence balanced out Will's shyness, and their ideas seamlessly merged. But every time their hands brushed or their eyes met, Will's heart raced.

As they presented their project to the class, Will stole a glance at Mike. The smile on Mike's face filled him with a warmth that lingered long after the presentation was over.

Starlight ConfessionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora