Turn 3

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A/N: I recommend listening to Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling in Love as soon as you're in 'The instrumentals began to play..." part. Enjoy and thank you, for 200 reads!

 Enjoy and thank you, for 200 reads!

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THE MORNING LIGHT SEEPED THROUGH THE CURTAINS, and the blaring sound of my phone's alarm clock forced me to open my eyes reluctantly. My head felt dense with a heavy burden that intensified as I attempted to move. The taste of the alcohol from last night lingered on my tongue, and the dryness of my throat made it difficult for me to swallow. "Shit."

It's eight in the morning, and I had to force myself to move already, even with less than five hours of sleep. I accepted Charles' family's invitation to join them for their family gathering; honestly, I have no regrets. Things between Charles and I might be awkward, but I have no reason at all to turn down his family's invitation. They've treated me nicely, like their own family, after all.

I woke up being bombarded by Charles' messages that were sent in silence.

P1 Baby: Make sure to bring extra clothes for tomorrow because we might do cliff diving.

P1 Baby: Maman's also asking if there's any particular food you want or places to visit.

P1 Baby: I believe you're sleeping by now, so you can reply to me when you wake up.

P1 Baby: If you could send me the name of the hotel you're staying at, it would also be nice so I could fetch you tomorrow morning.

P1 Baby: Thank you for accepting this invite. See you, Avi :)

A warm smile effortlessly painted my face, like the soft glow of sunrise casting its golden hues. Being able to talk again with Charles makes my heart so happy. I missed talking with him and doing whatever silly things we wanted to do together. I missed the old us, but I'm still contented with whatever it is that we have now.

I replied to Charles' messages one by one, making sure to give him an answer or at least share something with him. Words of affirmation have always been one of his love languages. He appreciates it when people give answers and assurance to him or to his questions.

I went straight to the shower to freshen up, and afterward, I grabbed my duffel bag and packed some clothes I could wear for the day. I also had to bring sleepwear because Charles told me it'd be an overnight stay on their yacht. After packing my things, I went down to the lobby, thinking that I still had to wait for Charles, but it turned out that he had already arrived, waiting for me.

"Did I keep you waiting for too long? I'm sorry." I casually said, not looking into his eyes. The vibes of us are less tense now, but there's still a long way for us to be entirely comfortable again with each other's presence.

"No, 'twas a perfect timing." He giggled, giving me an assuring smile. "You ready?"

"So, how are you? How's everyone?" I asked him, looking straight on the road.

One Last Drive I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now