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Trigger/Content Warning: Mentions of Drugs and Abuses, Strong Language

Trigger/Content Warning: Mentions of Drugs and Abuses, Strong Language

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IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR for everyone, but not for me. When I was a child, I always loved celebrating Christmas. I often received big gifts from my mom, dad, and Aunt Cleo. Aside from my own family's gifts, Charles' parents would also invite our family to go to their house here in Italy and celebrate Christmas with them.

Second only to karting, going under their Christmas tree has always been my favorite childhood memory with Charles. Maman and Papa would wrap their gifts for us and let us open them together as soon as 12:00 am drops. Charles sometimes would even give me some of the presents he received from his family when he knew I liked them. "What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine starting today, okay Avi?" That's what little Charles has promised me.

December used to be my favorite month because as soon as it takes over the year, people start to become more kind, loving, and sharing. I felt happy and safe, but everything was ruined when reality humbled me down.

One Christmas that I could never forget isn't the happiest one I had, but the worst one. Year 2007, I was ten years old. I could vividly remember how I was cheerfully dancing in our living room while listening to a Christmas medley song playlist– Jingle Bell Rock was playing.

Trembling in fear, I used both of my hands to cover my ears when I heard a plate falling on the floor. I immediately rushed to where the sound came from, and after another step, it was my mother who was screaming and crying out loud.

"I had to keep my savings because I know that you'd use it again for gambling." I found my mother on the floor, blood on her feet. A plate appeared to have fallen, and she had stepped on the shattered pieces. "I had to pay for Avianna's karting equipment." My mother explained to my dad while crying on the floor. Spotting me peeking at her from behind the wall, she signaled for me to move away, but I wasn't that patient as a child.

"Mom!" I screamed and ran towards to give her a hug, barefoot. I cried in pain but didn't show any emotions when I stepped on the other shards of plates scattered on the floor. "What's happening?" I asked them, but no one was answering me. My dad's face was turning red, glaring at my mom. He looked so angry. He looked different.

"I don't fucking care! Didn't I tell you that if I win, I'll make sure to pay for her karting?" My dad cursed, and I felt even more scared.

"Please, Christopher. Let's talk about this tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve today. We deserve to rest and at least... try to be happy for Avianna." My mother begged him with her shaking voice. She walked on her knees towards my father, grabbing his hand, thinking he might pity her.

"Shut up! You know what you deserve? You deserve to die!" his hands landed on my mother's cheeks, causing her to fall on the floor again. "Christmas, huh? It's just a waste of time and energy for everyone!"

One Last Drive I Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now