~Cut the crap~ (5)

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Hina POV:

"Baji, Kazutora? What are you guys doing here?" I said, irritation slipping through with every word.

"We want to know where Chifuyu is." Baji responded

"Oh that sucks, cause I don't know!" I say, yes, I was lying, but I mean, did they really deserve to know? No. The answers no.

"Don't lie. We know you know." Kazutora said, seeing through my facade.

"Tsk. I really don't know. So leave." I said, and shut the door, except it didn't shut because Baji put his foot in the door frame so the door wouldn't close.

"Just stop lying, we already know for a fact you know." Kazutora said

"I don't though! So back off." I say, now getting upset.

"Cut the crap!" Baji yelled, "We know you know! So just fess up!"

"For once, I agree with this knuckle-head." Kazutora says, "Just tell the truth, Hina."

"Omg fine. He's with Takemichi." I say with a smirk, stating the obvious to piss them off.

"WE KNOW THAT." Baji yells, raising his voice, 'slightly'

"What Baji MEANS to say," Kazutora says, and slaps Baji on the head yet again, "Is where does Takemichi live?"

"Why would I tell you?" I question, with my hands on my hips

Kazutoras glare suddenly hardens, suprising me, but not scaring me. I guess he couldn't keep up this nice persona for long.

"Because we're his boyfriends. Hina. So, tell. Us. Now." Kazutora says, now irritated.

"Mmm... no. I don't think I will." I smile and kick Bajis foot out of the way and slam the door in their faces, and quickly lock it.

I run to my bedroom and grab my phone to tell Takemichi and Chifuyu.


Chifuyu POV:

I woke up slowly, my back aching, and I seen that I had fallen asleep on the chair, I guess the tea made me tired.

I got up and stretched, looking around, I didn't see Takemichi anywhere, so I assume he's probably still sleeping.

I'm just gonna make breakfast, and some lunch for when Takemichi goes to school, during which, I'll be pretty lonely.

I sighed as I walked over to the kitchen and searched around for a pan, five minutes later, I finally found one.

I walked over to the fridge, swung open the door and grabbed a couple eggs, I carefully held them and closed the fridge, making sure I didn't drop any eggs.

I turned the stove on so it could heat up a bit and I took out some plates for me and Partner. I set the plates on the counter and grabbed some utensils.

After doing so I cracked a egg onto the pan and it started cooking, I was watching the egg and once it was done, I put it on a plate.

~Left Out~ Bajifuyutora Where stories live. Discover now