Name poll

338 7 2

So,I have a hydrapple and I'm wondering what I should name it? Note that I got it from a trade as an applin,so I only have 1 shot at changing it's name. So,these are the options I have for the name:




I picked these names because A: Hydrapple definitely has some Orochi vibes. B: It does remind me of King Ghidorah. And C: I'm pretty sure Kevin is the nickname for one of Ghidorah's heads in the monster verse that became a meme.

I also want to add in a nickname that is a reference to the book of revelations,since hydrapple also reminds me of the 7 headed dragon from the Bible,but I don't know a good name or reference.

Pokemon girl Harem x male reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon