The 4th Date

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[Jafar is sitting in his office, excitedly dialing Dr. Facilier's number. After a few rings, Dr. Facilier finally answers.]
Jafar: Ah, Dr. Facilier, my dear friend! How are you holding up?
Dr. Facilier: Oh, Jafar, what a pleasant surprise to hear from you! I'm doing quite well, my friend. How can I assist you today?
Jafar: Well, I was wondering if you would like to go on a fourth date with me. I've been thinking about it, and I have something special planned. I want to take you somewhere you'll absolutely adore.
Dr. Facilier: Fourth date? Well, that sounds intriguing, Jafar. I must admit, you've caught my curiosity. Where do you intend to take me?
Jafar: Ah, that's a surprise, my friend. But I can assure you it's somewhere you will thoroughly enjoy. I've taken note of your favorite drink, lemonade, and your favorite food, a double cheeseburger with fries. I've made arrangements to have them waiting for us.
Dr. Facilier: My, my, such attention to detail! You've certainly piqued my interest. [Jafar is standing outside Dr. Facilier's house, holding a bouquet of flowers. He takes a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.]
Dr. Facilier: [Opening the door with a smile] Jafar! You're here! I wasn't expecting you. What's the occasion?
Jafar: [Smiling back] My dear Dr. Facilier, tonight is the night of our surprise date! I couldn't let you make all the arrangements. I wanted to be the one to pick you up and whisk you away to our special destination.
Dr. Facilier: [Looking pleasantly surprised] Well, how delightful of you, Jafar! I must say, you've certainly managed to keep this whole plan under wraps. I'm all yours for the evening.
Jafar: [Extending the bouquet of flowers] These are for you, my love. A small token of my affection.
Dr. Facilier: [Accepting the flowers with appreciation] They're lovely, Jafar. Thank you.
Jafar: [Offering his arm] Shall we, my dear? Our transportation awaits, and your favorite treats are patiently waiting for us at our destination.
Dr. Facilier: [Laugh with a smile on his face] I cannot wait to see the wonderful surprise you have for me. [Jafar and Dr. Facilier arrive at their destination, a charming and enchanting garden restaurant. Jafar opens the door for Dr. Facilier, allowing him to step out.]
Jafar: After you, my dear. Welcome to our surprise location for our fourth date.
Dr. Facilier: [Delighted] Oh, Jafar, this place is simply magical! You've outdone yourself. It's even more beautiful than I could have imagined.
[Jafar closes the car door behind Dr. Facilier and walks around to the driver's side, opening the door and getting inside. He starts the car and carefully parks it before joining Dr. Facilier.]
Jafar: I'm so pleased that you appreciate the setting, my love. I wanted it to be as extraordinary as our connection. Now, let's indulge in the delights that await us inside.
[Jafar and Dr. Facilier make their way through the garden entrance, where sparkling lights and the fragrance of blooming flowers envelop them. As they follow a winding path, they arrive at their private table adorned with candles and overlook   The  gardens. [Jafar and Dr. Facilier settle down at the table, a soft glow emanating from the flickering candles. A menu showcasing a variety of delectable dishes awaits them.]
Jafar: [Smiling warmly] My dear Dr. Facilier, it's time to indulge in your favorite culinary delights. On this special night, the chef has prepared your all-time favorite: a mouthwatering double cheeseburger with perfectly seasoned fries.
Dr. Facilier: [Delighted] Jafar, you truly know how to treat me. I can already feel my taste buds dancing with excitement. And a refreshing lemonade to accompany the meal, I presume?
Jafar: [Nodding] Of course! A tall glass of freshly squeezed lemonade, just the way you like it, awaits you. Our server will be with us shortly to take our orders, so do take your time deciding.
[As if on cue, the attentive server approaches the table, ready to assist them.]
Server: Good evening, gentlemen. Welcome to our garden oasis. My name is [Server's Name], and I'll be taking care of you tonight. Have you ever been to oasis before. [Dr. Facilier, excited about his first visit to the Oasis restaurant, approaches Chef Rico, who stands poised behind the counter, surrounded by a vibrant array of ingredients.]
Dr. Facilier: Good evening, Chef Rico. I must say, I've heard marvelous things about your culinary skills. This is my first time here, and I'm delighted to explore the oasis of flavors you offer. I would love to savor one of your famous double cheeseburgers, accompanied by a refreshing lemonade.
Chef Rico: Ah, pleasure to meet you, Dr. Facilier! I assure you, you've chosen an excellent combination. Our juicy double cheeseburgers are renowned, and the lemonade will perfectly complement the flavors. Your order will be prepared swiftly and to your liking.
[Meanwhile, Jafar, sitting nearby, overhears the conversation, prompting Dr. Facilier to share his delight with him.]
Dr. Facilier: Oh, Jafar dear, I must say, I'm thoroughly enjoying this surprise date you've planned for us. The ambiance, the delectable menu, and  my favorite drink thank you for surprising me  with this beautiful date . [Jafar and Dr. Facilier take their seats at the table, eagerly awaiting the surprises that Jafar has planned. Chef Rico arrives at their table, carrying two plates adorned with their desired double cheeseburgers and sides.]
Chef Rico: Esteemed guests, your orders have arrived. Dr. Facilier, here is your double cheeseburger with perfectly seasoned fries, as requested. And for you, Jafar, your double cheeseburger with accompanying fries, along with a refreshing orange soda. Enjoy your meals.
[Chef Rico places the plates in front of Dr. Facilier and Jafar, ensuring that everything is to their liking. Their favorite aroma fills the air, tantalizing their senses.]
Dr. Facilier: Mmm, Chef Rico, this looks absolutely divine! The burger is cooked to perfection, and those fries are calling my name. The lemonade will be the perfect accompaniment. Thank you for putting so much care into these dishes.
Jafar: And for me, Chef Rico, you've exceeded my expectations. The burger looks sumptuous, and the drinks are refreshing. [With their plates now empty and their stomachs satiated, Jafar and Dr. Facilier bask in the contentment of their shared meal. Jafar, inspired by Dr. Facilier's enthusiasm for the necklace he received, reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small, beautifully wrapped box.]
Jafar: Dr. Facilier, my love, I have one more surprise for you. Open this box, and you'll find something that I hope will bring you delight.
[Curiosity alight in his eyes, Dr. Facilier carefully unwraps the box Jafar has given him, revealing a stunning necklace with intricately designed pendants bearing Dr. Facilier's initials.]
Dr. Facilier: Jafar, my dear, this is beyond words. Such thoughtfulness and elegance—it's a perfect reflection of your impeccable taste. I truly love it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
[Jafar's eyes glisten with joy as he witnesses Dr. Facilier's appreciation for the gift. Their affection for each other deepens, and they feel an unspoken connection.]
Jafar: It brings me immense pleasure for you to wear it . [Having left the cozy oasis behind, Jafar takes Dr. Facilier a bustling dancehall for the final leg of their fourth date. As they step inside, the vibrant music and the swirling sea of dancers enlivens their senses.]
Jafar: Dr. Facilier, my enchanting partner, allow me to whisk you away into the world of dance. Here, amidst the rhythm, we shall lose ourselves and create a memory that will linger in our hearts.
Dr. Facilier: Jafar, dancing with you is always a pleasure. Your charm and grace stand out, capturing the attention of all who behold you. Lead the way, and let our footsteps harmonize with the music.
[With Jafar taking the lead and Dr. Facilier following his every move, they glide across the dance floor. The crowd gazes in awe at their elegance and the undeniable chemistry between them.]
Jafar: Dr. Facilier, your movements have an ethereal quality. They match the beat of my heart, and every step we take together forms a symphony. In your arms, I find solace and bliss.
Dr. Facilier: Thank you my lovely Jafar you are not a bad dancer as for yourself. [Following their unforgettable night of dancing, Jafar accompanies Dr. Facilier to his home. The air is charged with anticipation and a lingering sense of enchantment. As they reach the front door, a gentle pause lingers, creating an atmosphere pregnant with emotion.]
Jafar: Dr. Facilier, this evening has been nothing short of magical. The way you moved on the dance floor, the sparkle in your eyes—I am captivated by you. May I steal a moment to express the depth of my feelings?
Dr. Facilier: Jafar, the magic that has blossomed between us is undeniable. Please, let your heart speak, for I am eager to hear your words.
[In the soft glow of the moonlight, Jafar and Dr. Facilier step closer, their eyes locked, the space between them filled with unspoken desire. Slowly, they bring their lips together in a tender and meaningful touch.]
Jafar: Dr. Facilier, when you kiss me, it feels as if time itself surrenders to the intensity of our connection. In this simple act, I find a world of emotions when it comes to you. [After their heartfelt kiss, Dr. Facilier retreats into the comfort of his own home, his heart still fluttering with the weight of the moment. Jafar, now filled with elation, drives away, a gentle smile carved upon his face as he reminisces on the enchanting evening.]
Jafar: [Softly to himself] Dr. Facilier's kiss lingers on my lips, filling me with a warmth that radiates throughout my being. Tonight was a symphony, a testament to the connection we share. I am grateful for the chance to explore this love.
[As Jafar parks his car and steps into his home, the quietude embraces him, allowing his thoughts to wander and relish in the beautiful memories created during their date.]
Jafar: [Reflecting with contentment] The way Dr. Facilier eyes shone with a mix of desire and vulnerability on the dance floor, and the sweet touch of his lips against mine—it an experience that defied words. Our connection something extraordinary.
[With a sense of renewed hope and anticipation, Jafar removes his clothes and put on his pajamas and he put his clothes in the hamper and he got in his bed and he watched tv for the rest of the night.

Jafar and Dr Facilier Love at first sight Where stories live. Discover now