chapter 11.

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                         Justin's POV

       I went up to Mekenna's door and there she was, looking all beautiful and everything!

I felt like jumping up and down like a little kid! but i didn't of course! i didn't want to scare her off.

When we got in the limo, i saw Callie and Christian start talking right away.

I was excited! this was like a dream.

If this date went well, i was planning to ask Mekenna to be my girlfriend!

I know i just met her, but, everytime i looked at her, my heart started fluttering.

I was in love with her, and i wanted her to be mine already.

We pulled into the fanciest restaurant in all of California.

An italian restaurant called, "Cirinos"

I heard Mekenna gasp when we pulled up into the parking lot.

 The smile on her face was priceless!

"This is my favorite restaurant! It holds so many memories!" she said happily.

"Im so glad!" i replied back to her.

We hopped out of the limo and i saw Ryan and Alex, and Chaz and Emily holding hands already!

I looked over at Christian, who winked at me as he slipped his hand into Callie's right then.

I cursed to myself, i was already a step behind!

I sighed and look at Mekenna.

Her hand looked lonely!

I quickly stepped behind her and slowly, slid my hand into hers.

She looked at our entwined hands and smiled, then went back to studying the resturaunt.

I smiled, and i know this sounds cheesy, but i thought to myself, her hand fits perfectly in mine!

Us four couples went inside,and i said to the lady at the counter, " reservations for Bieber."

she nodded and told us to follow her.

She lead us to a special upstairs room.

Callie squealed and we all laughed, especially Christian.

We all sat down, of course all the couples sat next to each other.

The waiter came over to Mekenna and I to take our order.

We looked at each other and i winked at her.

We turned back to the waiter and said in unison,"spaghetti!"

We both laughed, paused, and laughed again.

I loved that sparkle in her eye when she laughed. ohhhhh

i wanted her to be mine already!!!

Chaz and Em ordered chicken Parmesan. and Ryan and Alex ordered fettuccine Alfredo.

Then it was Christian and Callies turn to order.

They turned to the waiter and Christian stated proudly," We will have two slices of pizza."

Everybody started cracking up.

Christian just grinned while Callie just sat there and blushed while smiling at Christian.

We all handed our menus to the waiter who went off to get our food.

We all began talking again and i swear, there were like, 10 conversations going on at once!!!

I laughed to myself, then joined in on Christian,Callie and Mekenna's conversation...

                                        Christians POV

   I was so glad that Justin asked me to come live with him for the summer.

If he had'nt i would never have met Callie!

She was the most beautiful girl alive!

I think I've fallen in love with her!

She was so down to earth, and she made my stomach feel like someone had let loose a container of butterflies every time i talked to her.

I really hoped she felt the same way!

I was planning on talking to Mekenna later to see if she could find out if Callie liked me.

If she did, i was going to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight.

I hoped she would say yes....

                                     Chaz's POV

      I was in L.O.V.E!!!!!

I'm sure i sounded soooo cheesy,but Emilee looked so gorgeous tonight!

She was AMAZING!!!!

Her eyes sparkled when she saw me, and I was sure mine did the same.

I knew that i wanted her.

I was going to confess my feelings to her tonight.

If she agreed to be my girlfriend, i could brag to the other guys how i got a girlfriend first!

ha ha, this was going to be good! *Evil Grin*

                                Ryan's POV

      I almost fainted when Alexandria entered the limo!

She looked to gorgeous for words!

Mark my words, she was going to be my girlfriend by the end of the night!

Favorite Girl ( A Justin Bieber Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now