Chapter 1

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Guys, please don't judge. This be my first story ever to be published...

Meet Emily Sandler, the richest girl in school. Always the center of attention, with her long blonde hair and her expensive outfits. Nobody could deny her beauty and popularity, but that also made her intimidating.

Then there's Liam Walker, the poor boy from the other side of town. Always seen with torn clothes and dirty hands. Always in trouble, but everyone loved him. A leader, someone people looked up to.

Emily and Liam couldn't be more different. Emily, born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Liam, had to work for everything. Emily's friends were all rich kids, while Liam's were all from the streets.

But when they first met, they couldn't stand each other. Emily thought Liam was a troublemaker, while Liam thought Emily was spoiled and out of touch.

Fate, unpredictable as it is, had its own plans. Their worlds collided during a chaotic school project that paired them together. Emily sighed, rolling her eyes when the teacher announced their partnership, while Liam simply leaned back, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

The first meeting was a clash of contrasts. Emily meticulously organized her binder, adorned with glittery dividers, while Liam casually slouched in his chair, barely glancing at the assignment details.

Emily sighed, glancing at Liam's lack of interest. "Do you even know what this project is about?"

Liam grinned, "Relax, princess. Not everything needs to be perfect."

As they reluctantly worked on the project, the awkward silence was interrupted by Emily's frustrated sigh. "Can't you take this seriously, Liam? We have to get a good grade."

Liam, unfazed, leaned back. "We'll be fine, princess. Trust me."

Despite differing approaches, Emily and Liam navigated the maze of the project together. The library tension palpable as they tried to find common ground.

"One thing's for sure, we're going to fail if we keep this up," Emily muttered, scanning the sea of project guidelines.

Liam smirked, "Maybe it's not about the project, but about surviving working together."

One day, as Emily flipped through a book, Liam leaned over with a mischievous grin. "Ever been to the other side of town, princess?"

Emily raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "Why would I?"

Liam chuckled, "Just thought you might want to see how the 'troublemakers' live."

Intrigued, Emily agreed to venture into Liam's world. The journey led them to unfamiliar streets, graffiti-covered walls, and a community center where Liam was hailed as a local hero. The contrast was undeniable, yet amid the challenges, a glimmer of understanding emerged.

Back at school, they continued to clash over the project. Emily, frustrated, said, "Why can't you take anything seriously?"

Liam, with a grin, replied, "Because life's too short, princess. You should loosen up." was it 😃

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