Chapter 2

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The failed project hung over Emily and Liam like a dark cloud. Emily, furious, couldn't believe the disaster they'd created. Liam, feeling targeted, saw the failure as another strike against him.

Emily scowled, glaring at Liam. "This is all your fault. I knew working with you was a mistake."

Liam, defensive, shot back, "Hey, I did my part. Don't blame me for your perfectionism."

As tensions rose, they found themselves stuck with the daunting task of redoing the project. Neither was thrilled about the prospect. Emily's frustration grew with every passing day, and Liam's reluctance only fueled the fire.

Emily, hands on her hips, snapped, "You need to take this seriously, Liam. We can't afford another failure."

Liam, eyes narrowing, retorted, "Maybe if you weren't so uptight, we wouldn't be in this mess."

They begrudgingly began the redo, but the bickering intensified. Each exchange fueled their growing animosity. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, Liam forced himself to contribute, silently resenting the situation.

Weeks passed, and with a looming deadline, they decided to work on the project at Emily's mansion. Emily's parents were conveniently away, or so they thought.

Emily sighed in relief, "Finally, some peace and quiet. Let's get this over with."

As they delved into the project, the mansion echoed with their strained collaboration. Emily struggled to hide her irritation, and Liam fought the urge to walk away. The tension was palpable, the air thick with unspoken grievances.

Suddenly, the front door creaked open. Emily's parents had arrived home early. Panic washed over Emily's face.

"Quick, hide the project!" she hissed at Liam.

Liam scrambled to collect the scattered papers, their unfinished work a mess. Emily hastily ushered Liam into a nearby closet just as her parents entered the study.

Her mom, glancing around, said, "We forgot something and decided to come back."

Emily forced a smile, "Hi, Mom, Dad. You're home early."

Her parents exchanged a knowing look. "Is everything okay here?" her mom asked, noticing the disarray.

Emily stammered, "It's just a school project. I'm still figuring it out."

Her dad chimed in, "Make sure it gets done properly, Emily."

As Emily's parents scrutinized the situation, Emily's panic intensified. The unresolved conflict between her and Liam simmered beneath the surface. Liam, hidden in the closet, held his breath.

Then, her mom glanced toward the closet. "What's in there?"

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