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The shrill ring of my phone pierced the silence as I was getting ready for college that morning. Glancing at the screen, I saw my mother's smiling face pop up on the video call. "Hi Mumma!" I chirped, picking up. She asked me the usual questions about my studies and life in Germany. "It's good that you're focused on your education there," she said warmly. "Remember what I always say - no falling in love!" "Yes Mumma, I know," I laughed.

After we hung up, I headed out the door to my Uber. As the car wound through the streets towards campus, my thoughts drifted back to yesterday morning - taking a drunk Miles on my doorstep, bringing him inside, his hand lingering on my waist... I shivered at the memory. No matter how much my brain screams run, my heart stammers and stutters uncontrollably whenever he's around. I placed my hand on my face, realizing that I must find a way to stay away from him.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon as I arrived at the college gate, eager to start a new day. My friend Mady was already there waiting for me. "Sorry I couldn't wait for you yesterday, Janvi," she said apologetically as we walked onto campus together. "No worries," I assured her with a smile.

We were just inside the gate when I spotted Paul leaning against the cafeteria wall. He saw us approaching and sauntered over. "Good morning, ladies," he said smoothly.

I checked my watch."We've got some time before class, I announced. I'm heading to the library - you two should join me." But both refused, preferring to linger in the courtyard. With a shrug, I turned and headed off alone, leaving them behind. The morning air was crisp and invigorating as I strode purposefully towards the library, ready to start the day.

"Janvi, is that you?" A familiar voice called from behind me. I spun around to see who it was and there stood a face from my past. "You look so familiar," I said, squinting my eyes.

"Indeed, we were classmates back in school and even served together on the sports committee." Realizing who it was, I exclaimed, "Oh, Peter! How have you been? What brings you here?"

Peter, with a playful tone, replied, "Are you going to interrogate me about everything here, Janvi?" Chuckling, I assured him, "No, no, I won't bombard you with questions here." 

After our library chat about old school days, I had the eerie sense of being watched. Glancing at my watch, I told Peter, "Yikes, I'm late for class. Catch you later!" As I turned to leave, he grasped my hand, asking eagerly, "What's your major?"

"Computer science," I replied.

"No way, me too!" Peter exclaimed.

I said "Wow!" and we shared an enthusiastic hug before strolling to class, chatting all the while. Inside, Mady and Paul were already seated, deep in conversation. Miles was absent - maybe skipping today? Oh well, at least I wouldn't have to pretend not to notice him.

I took an empty seat, and Peter sat beside me.

As our conversation continued, Miles made his way into the classroom, causing my heart to skip a beat the moment I laid eyes on him. There was a distinct sense of anger emanating from his gaze, leaving me curious about the source of his frustration. Without wasting any time, he headed directly towards Aiden and took a seat beside him.

Chaos erupted as students scrambled to escape the lecture hall. I shoved my notebook into my bag, eager to join the exodus, when Miles materialized at my side.

"I need to talk to you," he said, his eyes burning with intensity.

Before I could respond, Peter breezed in, radiating his usual enthusiasm. "Janvi, let's grab coffee!"

I hesitated, glancing at Miles' somber face. "Yes, let's go, but Miles wants to talk. Can you wait a minute?" I said gently.

Miles opened his mouth, then clamped it shut. Without another word, he vanished into the swarm of students.

The cafeteria buzzed with chatter as Mady, Peter and I sat together, soaking in the lively atmosphere. Suddenly, a boisterous group of football players barged in, announcing a big match tomorrow that everyone just had to attend. Mady's eyes lit up. "We'll definitely be there!" she exclaimed. Just then, her phone rang. It was Paul. After a quick "Bye," she dashed off, leaving Peter and I alone.

He turned to me, his eyes hopeful. "Will you come to watch my match tomorrow?"

"Of course!" I smiled warmly, excited at the thought of cheering him on from the stands. Peter's face lit up, and we chatted eagerly about the upcoming game, swept up in the energy that had now consumed the cafeteria.

After quick bye to Peter, I set off in search of Miles, hoping to wish him luck before his big match tomorrow. "Aiden!" I called out, asking if he knew where I could find Miles. Aiden directed me to the practice area. As I approached, I spotted Miles chatting with a girl. I called his name to get his attention. But as he noticed me coming closer, he suddenly grasped the girl's face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss. I froze in shock, confusion swirling through me. Why did I feel so hurt by the sight? Shaking off the uneasy emotions, I angrily summoned an Uber and retreated home.

After coming home, after refreshing from a long day, I was lounging on my bed, mindlessly scrolling through my phone when a message from Peter popped up.

"Hey Janvi," he said.

"Hey, what's up?" I replied.

"So I have my first match tomorrow and I don't really know anyone here yet. It would mean a lot if you could come and cheer me on."

I smiled, touched that he had reached out. "Of course, Peter! I'll be there."

After placing my phone on the side, I couldn't help but constantly think about miles. It was like a constant nagging in my mind. Oh, I really shouldn't be thinking about all this, I should just go to sleep.


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