chapter 9

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"Ek minute, mujhe kya btana hai haan?" Maya chimed in,

"Oh it's really nothing, I mean if you know Aarav, you know that he says the most unhinged shit ever. Don't think about it too much, it's nothing." I said trying to convince her. Maybe she'll buy it? Please buy it.

"Oh." She said and she had a pinch of disappointment in her voice.

They continued talking like they had known each other for ages. Like they are made for each other and Maya laughing. I admit her laughter sounds like the sound of angels giggling but I cannot understand how do these people know each other and how is everything he's saying so funny according to her. Here I am just standing like an old grandpa trying to blend in with the genz.

"How do you guys know eachother though?" I asked,

"We're neighbors. I mean not neighbors, his floor is the one below mine," Maya answered. I walked away from them and I heard Aarav calling out for me. I ignored him and pretended not to hear him.

Aarav is going to die today. I am going to kill him. I am going to have his blood on my hands. He literally coundt have told me that he knew her. How is he avtually the owner of one of indias leading company?

Aarav is my No. 1 priority and even though he portrays the act of being this heart-less CEO, deep down inside he is literally a five-year-old kid and is panch saal ke bacche ko duniya ke papiyon see bachana mera kaam hai even though I know he can do it himself.

(and it is my duty to protect this five-year-old kid from the demons of this world even though he can do it himself.)

And I'm not going to be the one who hurts him.

I walked into my temporary office for now. One thing I cannot understand is why Mr. Sharma wants me and him to stay here for the next few months I hated this idea way before but now I have more of a love-hate relationship with it.

Being around her for the next few months. And I better keep the ambulance on speed dial in case I die from a heart attack because she looks like a fricking goddess.

God, angel on earth she is. Even looking a her makes me feel like my eyes aren't pure enough to look at her.


"Aarav ab jaa naaa" (Aarav, now please leave now) I whined. This dude has been sitting in my cabin for the last 26 minutes and 58 seconds and snooping through my stuff like a kid who has literally come to his mom's office for the first time. He is such a kid.

"Mai nhi jaunga jab tak you tell me what is going on between you and my best friend" (I'm not going to leave unless you tell me what is going on between you and my best friend.) he demanded.

I wish I could tell him. Moreover, I would've told him if I didn't know he was Rayan's best friend. I'm sorry Aarav but no.

"Kuch nhi hai yaar ab please pareshaan mt kr, teri company kaun handle krega if you're gonna keep snooping through my stuff?" I lied

(There's literally nothing going on. Please stop annoying me, Who is going to take care of your company if you're gonna keep snooping through my stuff?)

"Oh really? Scratch that. Tell me what this?" he said picking up the most ugliest-looking pair of socks Amara got me. I kept those socks in case my feet were cold and sore and I really needed to wear socks. I chose them because no. 1, those are so ugly I would never wear them unless it was an emergency. and no. 2, seeing them in my drawer makes me happy so I kept them.

I burst out laughing because of the disgusted expression he had on his face. Like as if someone had shoved something disgusting in his face.

"Okay but I will only leave under one condition," he said

Till the EndNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ