Chapter 4

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Laur's POV

I have just dropped Mo at her hotel and now on my way to the apartment.

I parked and got my keys to open the door. I walked in and there was no one to be seen.

I heard talking in Lauren's room so I opened the door and saw all four girls watching a movie.

"Hey!!" Andrea said waving.

"Hi!" I said "what are you guys watching?"

"I don't know... what were we watching?" Arden asked.

I just laughed and walked to my room but before I could close the door Arden yelled "we're watching Grown ups! wanna watch?!"

"Nah, I'm okay!" I answered and closed my door.

I got my computer and went into YouTube.

"Jack Harries..." I said as I typed his name.

It said 'JacksGap' which I guess was his channel and clicked on it.

I saw some of his videos and they were pretty cool may I add. I love his accent. I remember asking my mom once if I had ever talked like that, and she said that I had, until I was around 6 and 7 years old. It's weird to think about it because I mean, I talk completely different than them now.

I turned of my computer and noticed it was already 4:50. I opened Lauren's door and saw them all asleep. Jenn, Andrea and Lauren on the bed and Arden on the couch next to it.

I closed it and called Trevor. Though he was a lot younger, we were pretty close.

My phone ranged 3 times and he answered.

"Laur! what ya up too?" he said pretty exited.

"Nothin' you?"

"Same" he said

"Lets hang out then" I said

"Kay see ya in five" he said and hanged up.

I went to the bathroom and did my business and also fixed my make up.

I walked out and plopped in my bed.

I stayed like 10 minutes like that until I heard the door bell ring and the door opened.

Yeah, I gave him a key since he comes here pretty often. Just like Connor.

"Hey bae!!" he yelled while walking in.

"SHHHH the queens are sleeping" I whispered and he laughed.

I sat on my bed and patted the space next to me for Trevor to sit.

He did and asked "what's up?"

"Nothing really, lets do something because I'm pretty bored" I said.

"Okay it's still early and Becca is throwing a party. Wanna come?"

"Oh yea she mentioned it to me, but I'm to lazy to..." i said laying back on my bed.

"Oh come on! Ricky, Jc, Sam, Connor and Kian are coming!"

Wait Kian is going? And he didn't told me? I don't want to seem clingy or anything, but he told me he wasn't doing anything today. And he has cheated before but I forgave him after he 'proved' that he had changed. Nothing has happened after that.

It was as if Trevor was reading my mind because he said

"I invited them today like an hour ago. Oh and Connor said he was bringing some friends. A lot of people you know are coming! come on! pwease??!" he said doing the cute puppy dog eyes that always convinced me.

"Okay..." I gave in.

"Yay!" he squealed "but it starts at 9:30, what are we going to do until then?"

"Umm.. Lets go to the park?" I said more as a question.

"Okay" he said and stood up and offering me he hand to stand up.

"Thanks" I said and took his hand. "Now, what do we do?"

"Let's go penny boarding!" Trev said.

"Oh no no no no no. no" i said immediately.


"Because I haven't penny boarded in like 3 years and you know that. I am gonna make a fool of my self in public" I said and he laughed.

"You're going to be alright. I'll make sure to catch you before you fall!" He said trying to convince me.

"Trev, that's nice of you, but I bet I will break you if you try to catch me. I am heavier than you" I said and chuckled.

"Well you are probably right on that one" he said and I punched his shoulder slightly.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He said being the drama queen he is.

"Never say that to a girl" I said laughing.

"Yeah but you said it first" he stated.

"Shut up and let's go" I said and walked out the door with my old penny board.

I walked out the door and instantly regretted my decision of going penny boarding with Trevor. I could easily break a leg trying to remember how to ride this thing.

My penny board was a mix of 4 or 5 pastel colours and it had light blue wheels.

Trevor started to ride down the side walk but I just stood there trying to remember with what foot I used to put on the penny board and which one did I used to impulse my self.

Trevor saw me struggling and rode back to were I was.

"Look. Try putting your right foot on the penny board and use the other one to impulse your self" he said. it sounds so simple how he says it, but I know it's not in real life.

I tried what he said and successfully got on the penny board and started moving but that that happiness only lasted a few meters. A crack on the gravel made me trip and made my penny board go all the way down the side walk but luckily I didn't fall to the ground because someone caught me.

I looked up and noticed it was just Kian. "well, hello there beautiful" he said and I laughed.

"Hey babe" I said and pecked his nose. I saw Trevor approaching us.

"Hey Kian" Trevor said "thank god you got her"

"Yeah, who said 'I'll make sure to catch you before you fall!'?" I said quoting what he said.

"Yeah, sorry?" He said more like a question.

"Well I better get my penny back now" I said walking to were my penny board had stopped.

I could hear foot steps behind me and suddenly felt a pair of strong hands on my waist making me turn around. I was about to scream when the person brought me onto a hug and all I needed was to smell his sent to know it was Kian.

"Thought you were having a girl day today" he said. We were now looking at each other, his hands still on my waist.

"And I thought you weren't dong anything today" I replied teasingly.

"Are you going to Becca's party?" He asked.

"Yup, Trevor convince me to go" I said "so excuse me, but I have a penny board to get" I removed his hands off my waist and went to pick up my penny board.

When I got it, I tried to ride it until I get to Kian and Trevor who were talking on the other side of the side walk but completely failed, so I just grabbed it in my hand and walked until I reached the guys.

A/n: I know, shitty short chapter and I've been really busy and haven't updated in a while, sorry! But I promise I will be updating more since I'm on winter break :)) Luv u guys!

-Dani <3

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