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[It's Christmas Eve day, and Carly and Freddie are preparing for Carly's parents' arrival. They engage in a conversation as they make final preparations.]

Carly: "Freddie, my parents will be here soon. I want everything to be perfect for our Christmas Eve celebration."

Freddie: "Absolutely, Carly. I've got the decorations ready, and the Christmas tree is looking festive. Is there anything else we need to do before they arrive?"

Carly: "Hmm, maybe some holiday music to set the mood. And Millicent will be thrilled to help us bake those cookies for dessert."

Freddie: "Great idea. Millicent and cookies—definitely a winning combination. I'll set up some festive tunes, and we can start on the cookies when she gets here."

Carly: "Perfect. Oh, and let's make sure we have the camera ready. We'll want to capture all the moments, especially when we reveal the gender later."

Freddie: "Got it. Camera on standby. This Christmas Eve is going to be filled with joy and surprises. I can't wait to share it with your parents."

Carly: "Me neither, Freddie. It's the first time they'll get to see our new place and join us for the holidays. It's going to be special."

Freddie: "And soon, we'll have one more little addition to celebrate with. I'm excited for your parents to share in the joy of our growing family."

Carly: "Let's make it a day to remember, Freddie. Christmas Eve, our little family, and the love that surrounds us."

Freddie: "To making memories and creating a Christmas celebration filled with laughter and love."

[They continue preparing for the day, looking forward to the arrival of Carly's parents and the festive moments that await them.]

Carly: "Freddie, I was thinking about our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. How about we have ham tonight and turkey tomorrow? What do you think?"

Freddie: "Sounds like a delicious plan, Carly. Ham tonight and turkey on Christmas Day—it's a perfect holiday feast. Are there any specific sides you're in the mood for?"

Carly: "Mashed potatoes, green beans, and maybe some cranberry sauce would complete the festive spread. And of course, cookies for dessert!"

Freddie: "Sounds fantastic. I'll make sure to get everything ready. Millicent will be thrilled about the cookies, too."

Carly: "She definitely will. I can already imagine the joy on her face when she sees the cookies. It's going to be a memorable Christmas Eve dinner."

Freddie: "To a delicious holiday feast and creating wonderful memories. Let's make it a celebration to remember."

Carly: "Cheers to that, Freddie. I can't wait to share these festive meals with our family."

[They continue planning and preparing for the holiday dinners, looking forward to the delicious meals and the joy of celebrating together.]

Carly: *grimacing* "Freddie, I don't know what's going on, but I'm not feeling well all of a sudden."

Freddie: *concerned* "Are you okay, Carly? What's happening?"

Carly: "I... I think it might be morning sickness. I've been feeling queasy."

Freddie: *immediately supportive* "Oh, Carly. I'm here for you. Do you need anything? Should I get you some water or something?"

Carly: *nodding* "Water would be good. And maybe a moment to sit down. This is catching me off guard."

[Freddie rushes to get water for Carly, expressing genuine concern for her well-being.]

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