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As Carly and Freddie prepare for a restful night, eagerly awaiting the joyous Christmas morning, the air is filled with a sense of love and anticipation. With the warmth of family, the news of their baby girl, and the unexpected twists of the evening, they drift off to sleep, ready for the magical moments that Christmas Day will bring.

Carly: *waking up uncomfortable* "Ugh, Freddie, Grace is just kicking the hell out of my stomach."

Freddie: *rubbing her back* "She's an active one, huh? Maybe she's just excited for Christmas."

Carly: *chuckles* "Seems like it. I love feeling her move, but she's got quite the kick. We might have a little soccer player on our hands."

[Carly and Freddie share a lighthearted moment in the middle of the night, appreciating the lively movements of their unborn daughter.]

Carly: *teary-eyed* "Freddie, that kick just got me right in the feels. It's hitting me that we're really going to be parents."

Freddie: *softly* "Hey, it's okay. These emotions are part of the journey. Our little Grace is making her presence known, and she's bringing out all the feels."

[Carly's emotional reaction to the kick brings a mix of joy, realization, and anticipation as they both embrace the tender moments of impending parenthood.]

Freddie: *gently* "Come on, let's try to lay back down. I love you, my soon-to-be wife."

Carly: *smiling through tears* "I love you too, Freddie. And I love our little kicker, even if she makes me cry in the middle of the night."

[Freddie and Carly share a sweet moment, finding comfort in each other's presence as they navigate the emotional and exciting journey of expecting their first child.]

[As Christmas Day unfolds, the morning brings a sense of excitement and warmth. Spencer, Carly's dad, and mom eagerly enter Carly and Spencer's apartment, ready to share in the joyous festivities.]

Carly's Dad: *smiling* "Merry Christmas, everyone! How's everyone doing?"

Carly: *grinning* "Merry Christmas, Dad! Mom! Spencer! It's going to be an amazing day."

[Laughter and holiday cheer fill the air as the family gathers to celebrate Christmas together.]

Millicent: *excitedly waking up* "Can I open a gift? Can I?"

Carly: *smiling* "Not yet, Millicent. Let's wait until Mrs. Benson and Lewbert get here. We'll all open them together, okay?"

Millicent: *nodding eagerly* "Okay, but I can't wait!"

[The anticipation of Christmas morning fills the room as Millicent eagerly awaits the arrival of the rest of the family to begin the gift-opening festivities.]

[Sam and Gibby, just waking up, join the festive atmosphere in Carly and Freddie's apartment.]

Sam: *stretching* "Morning, everyone. What did I miss?"

Gibby: *rubbing his eyes* "Merry Christmas, guys! Did we open presents yet?"

Carly: *laughing* "Not yet! We're waiting for Mrs. Benson and Lewbert. Get ready for some Christmas chaos!"

[The excitement builds as the whole group gears up for a memorable Christmas morning.]

Carly: *reading the text* "Mrs. Benson and Lewbert are on their way. They got a late start."

Freddie: *smiling* "No worries. The more, the merrier. Let's get ready to make this a Christmas to remember."

[Carly and Freddie share a moment of anticipation, ready to welcome the rest of the family for a joyous Christmas celebration.]

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