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(For context, Mikey keeps his name and collar to remember his past life - him, Foxpaw, and his parents were all previously kittypets who joined ThunderClan just before the takeover. In this story, I took the headcanon from the Maizen wiki that Mikey and JJ were kids in this series into account and made them apprentices. In the actual series I don't consider it canon, but in this story, I will use the idea. Also, in this story I plan to write JJ and Mikey having a brother-like realationship instead of how I usually write their relationship in my other Maizen works.)

"Isn't this amazing, Foxpaw? You're becoming a warrior today."

Before Foxpaw could respond, his mother started to groom his forehead again. He would've complained, but he decided to be respectful and let her do what she wanted. Besides, he did want to look presentable for his warrior ceremony - his fur was almost always unkempt, so it wouldn't be a big deal to have it smoothed down for once.

Just then, Foxpaw heard someone clawing at the brambles outlining the warriors' den. Not long after, Mikey poked his head inside.

"Hi, Foxpaw!"

He reached his paw forward to come inside, but then realized that he hadn't asked for permission yet. However, Foxpaw's mother gave him a nod before he could ask.

"Hi, Mallowfur," Mikey started to greet everyone in the den. "Hi, Jaggedclaw!"

Jaggedclaw was sleeping.

"You look like you need a cleaning, too." Mallowfur purred. "Come over here; your fur is fluffed up in every direction."

"Wait-" Mikey tried to resist, but it was no use. "I wanted to ask if me and Foxpaw can explore the territory one last time, as apprentices. Because next time we do, it'll be on patrol, cause we'll be warriors."

Mallowfur stopped. "That sounds reasonable. But you know the one rule I always have you follow,"

She looked over both of them, suddenly serious.

"You can't go outside the barrier, where the bushes and sticks stand tall. Past that, isn't our territory. Understand?"

Foxpaw nodded, but Mikey wasn't sold just yet. "Who's territory is it, then?"

"It's just... not ours." Mallowfur meowed dismissively. Mikey didn't press any further, but he was left unsatisfied at the lack of elaboration. "Now you two run along. And remember what I said, okay?"

"Yes, mom." Foxpaw dipped his head to her politely, but he was interuppted by his ear being swatted at.

"Last one to the edge of the camp is toast!" Mikey challenged, and sped out of the den. Despite the head start, Foxpaw went along with it and pelted after him.

"Wait a second," He asked, after Mikey won seconds before him. "What is toast?"

"You don't remember?" They started to walk through the territory. "That thing our old twoleg used to eat in the morning, every single day? One time I got to eat a piece, but I threw it up on the carpet later. Remember? She got really mad?"

"No..." Foxpaw decided to be honest. Most of my memories as a kittypet are fuzzy. We lived like that when we were only kits. I don't think about that anymore, anyways. I need to think about Clan stuff now; I'm going to be a warrior today, so I need to fully dedicate myself to that."

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