chapter 11

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Right the moment I closed the door behind me. I let out a groan and looked down to see the bulge growing inside my pants

" fuck " I whispered

This was becoming harder for me every time I was with Adeline.

Her style is different than most of the girls, and it makes me like her even more. But today, she wore a short pink skirt and a white top. Her skirt exposes her legs, and her top hugs her big chest around.

While in the car, I couldn't focus. My hand just loves the feeling of being on her thigh, I wish I could raise it higher

but I don't want to make Adeline uncomfortable. Since I noticed that she easily gets fluttered by the small acts I do around her, probably I'm the first guy who ever does this to her.

I went back down to the kitchen and turned on some of the lights

taking out a glass and pouring some red wine in. I'm glad that my brother and the other guys aren't here, but I'm probably they'll probably arrive later

I swallowed the warm and yet strong liquor, feeling it go down to my throat as I sighed and headed to the living room where I turned on the TV. Sitting back on the couch as I tried to hide the bulge in my pants

All I could think about was Adeline, and it wasn't helping

Earlier when I came out of the car, I had to leave her inside.

I talked to the guards for some slight information but then I was swarmed with my fans, I was happy and they were thrilled to see me.

But when I looked back I couldn't see Adeline anymore inside the car

So I had to rush back inside to see she was hiding.

" t-tom? " then I heard her sweet, delicate voice

I looked up and my heart stopped when I saw her.

She stood shyly on her spot. The T-shirt I gave her was very big on her, but I didn't care. It looks so good on her

Adeline is tiny, compared to me.

My eyes trail down to her beautiful legs, and I felt more blood flows down to my cock. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Not now, not now

" come and sit with me," I said and tapped the space beside me on the couch. She smiles and walks over, my eyes never leave hers.

And all I wanted to do was grab her by her small waist and pull her in my lap. Snuggling, as I could just place my face in the crook of her neck, sniffling her sweet vanilla, rose scent

She smells amazing

Adeline pov

" do you want something to drink? I can get you anything " Tom asks as he stares at me. I blush and look away from his gaze

" i-i don't drink " I replied and that made him sit straight beside me as he let out a laugh

"Seriously, you don't? " he asks in surprise.

And I shook my head, the smell of alcohol made me sick. Kate and her mom drink alcohol

" I want to try it, but I don't want to get too much of it " I explain and Tom smirks at me.

" hold on," he says and I watch it make its way to the kitchen

I then see him pour red wine into a new glass and smile at me as he makes his way back and sits closer to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and fixed myself

He turns to me, looking into my eyes

" here, this is a red wine. You can try if you want " Tom says

and hands me over the glass. I look at him and he shrugs, I let out a small sigh and took it from him.

I look at it as I spin it slowly inside the glass.

" Will I get drunk after one sip? " I asked worriedly

but then he burst into laughter as Tom placed his hand on his stomach. I sent him a playful glare, this is my first time!

" no, you won't schatz. But if you did, I'll take care of you " he said and winked at me. I felt hundreds of butterflies released to my stomach as I looked back at the red wine in my hand

I slowly brought the cup to my lips and took a sip. I scrunched my face and handed him back the glass, he chuckled and watched my reaction.

I coughed slightly and he placed his large hand on my back, caressing it softly.

" it tastes nice, but I won't gonna have it again," I said.

Tom smiled and he drank the entire wine in just one gulp. Letting out a sigh and placing the glass back down on the table

" so I have a few questions... Are you and Kate related? " Tom begins asking questions and I can't help but not to laugh.

"Of course not. She's my best friend, and we're very close " I replied and brought my two legs together on the couch as he extended his arm. Nodding at me

" I know you from Russia. But why do you like her? " he then asks. I bite my lip and try to figure out how will answer the question

I can't tell Tom the truth yet

" oh um- well... After my mom died, she knows Kate's mom very well. And so, Mrs Catherine decides to let me live in their house " I lied. The entire truth of it is a lie

But Tom seems convinced. The guilt was on me, I wish I could tell him the entire truth about who truly am. But I don't know how he'll react.

"That's very kind of them, " He says. I smiled and nodded

Tom and I stared at each other for a second. My heart beating frantically in my chest, as our faces were slowly getting closer.

And closer

" hello! " but I immediately pulled away from him when hearing someone's voice, we looked and saw Bill and the other two guys walk in

" oh hello, Adeline! I didn't know you're here! " Bill greets and the guy with glasses scoffs, throwing a smirk at Tom

" did we interrupt something? "


I'm so happy that my new story is almost reaching 200 total reads 🥺🤧, thank you so much to my readers

I hope you're liking this so far, 💕 the next few chapters will be more amazing!!!

See you!

Adeline | Tom Kaulitz ✓Where stories live. Discover now