Yesterday I had you, Today I lost you

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"Come on Scar," he begged, "I can't just stay here all day, it's so boring! And what if Mumbo needs us? Would you really want to be the reason for my despair? All I want is a small walk."

Scar's expression softened a bit. Good, he is getting weaker.

"Listen Grian," Scar started in a serious tone, even Grian was surprised at how real Scar was being, "Mumbo warned me because he is worried. We might not be deep in the Mythland Empire, but we are still in it. What happens if someone sees your wings? You know what happens to hybrids and magic."

He frowned at the realization. He always liked to have a playful attitude, he never liked facing real problems. Maybe that's why he is here now. He couldn't grow up, they said, but all he wants is to be a kid. To have the childhood he was never allowed.

He looked hopefully to Scar, "please Scar, I really want to see the world! I promise I'll wear a cloak, and I promise we leave at the first sign of danger. Please!"

Scar gave a deep sigh, he looked past Grian, to the east, to where the town would be at. He seemed to be deep in thought for a second. The woods seemed to quiet down as he thought. The sun appeared to brighten and the flowers looked more colorful. The whole forest seemed more lively when Scar was around. Nature always seemed to be attracted to the brunette. It made sense, he was a summer elf.

After a few more minutes, Scar finally replied. "Okay, fine. We can go, but only for a few minutes, and you have to wear a cloak."

Grian jumped with joy, outwardly and inwardly. He beamed at Scar. His bright smile could rival even the sun.

"Hate to break your little amazing moment, but there is still one more thing you have to do," Scar casually added.

Grian was too high up on joy, he didn't think whatever Scar asked would be unbearable, he could bear it, especially with the trip on the line. He nodded his head swiftly, too impatient to stay any longer.

"If any trouble comes by us," Scar paused for a second, he looked like he was uncomfortable saying the words, "If anything happens, you run. And I mean run, like no turning back."

He gave Scar a worried look. "But I can't just leave you, your my best friend, we stick together, no matter what."

Scar didn't look pleased with the promise either, "I know, but I'm only an elf, I'm only frowned upon. Grian, you're an avian, you know how dangerous it is for your kind. People would do anything to get their hands on you."

He hated the way Scar said that. He hated the weight of the words. He hated to see the possibility of it coming true. He was furious that Scar was right now.

But that wouldn't happen. They would be safe. Grian would make sure of that. He wasn't losing Scar. He promised he would be there for them, whenever they needed it. He couldn't lose any more.

There was only one thing he could say, so he did.

"Okay, I promise."


The town was much bigger than Grian had intended. He gaped at the large buildings and crowds of people, bustling about their day.

He swiftly avoided being rammed into many times, he steered Scar left and right, veering from people, but making sure to stay on the designated street.

He wasn't the only one gawking, Scar eyes were huge and mouth slightly open. He couldn't blame him, the pretty brick paths, the dark oak buildings with intricate quartz details, the hanging flowers in twinning with red stone lamps, and the huge town square, with a stone and glazed terracotta mosaic, depicting the sun god; it was all speechlessly breathtaking. Grian wished he could observe and sketch every nook and cranny, to pinpoint every building material used in the large houses.

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