Yesterday we had eachother, tomorrow we will save you

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Grian couldn't recall anything afterwards. The memories of crying and hurting himself were too much, his young mind erased the horrendous time. He was thankful and hateful towards his mind for that. Sometimes it was better to forget troubles, but he also wished he could still remember before, before Yandere and Sam, to a time where he could be happy with his friends and family.

Alas, times change, and so do people.

He walked along the desert hills, sand irritating his delicate wings and puffy face. He doesn't remember when he fell, too tired to go on. He doesn't remember when he was miraculously found, by wandering traders and brought to the nearest village.

He remembered waking up to a barren sandstone and terracotta house. The townsfolk were nice, if one were to examine them, but Grian didn't care if he was safe or with hunters. He didn't care.

He lost everything, again. Waking up was a chore, pretending to be happy was just too much. The Universe ripped everything out of his feeble, small hands, with no remorse, and made him struggle with the broken pieces tearing his heart open. And you know what? He let it happen, he let the remains of his happiness fade, let the walls he built to keep his emotions at bay crumble.

He was done. He was done with this world that threw all your problems in your face. He was done with the Sages who care only about themselves. He was done with the gods who have forsaken humanity. He was just done.

Nothing could save him now.


Apparently, the townsfolk decided a self-loathing teenager trying to commit suicide was a "bad" thing.

He knew they were trying to help, he liked people who cared for hybrids and magic wielders, but he would rather they go to hell.

He deserved to feel this way. To have his heart splinter in a thousand pieces, to have the memories of people he could have helped, but he didn't. Because he was weak, he was useless.

No matter what. He didn't deserve to live, to have a family, to have friends, to have freedom, to have a life.

He met his "therapist" a few days later. They told Grian that he would make Grian feel more joyful and happy before he knew it. Grian didn't listen to much of their lecture about this guy. He zoned out, completely emotionless. He had started to do this routine more often, which probably wasn't good for his mental health.

Grian was expecting his therapist to be a calm, collected, elegant, perfect rich selfish person. He wasn't expecting to be met with a tall scarred, clumsy, teen with adhd and only wearing shorts and a shawl. The teen was taller than him, everyone was, but this teen was taller than most people. He always wore this goofy smile and his voice was smooth and poise. It reminded Grian of a businessman trying to scam you. The weirdest thing was the numerous scars, ranging in depth and size, scattered around his body. Grian didn't want to unnecessarily bring up any of the teen's past trauma, he has already ruined enough people's lives, so he never asked.

The boy introduced himself as Scar, which wasn't his real name, as Grian found out a few days later. He was a pure optimist. He always found good in a troubling scenario. Whenever anyone was around him, he would have a goofy smile and puppy dog eyes. Everyone loved him. Even when he would make a fool of himself, he just laughed it off, and the others joined him! He always knew the right thing to say in order to comfort someone or keep the situation peaceful. He was literally everything Grian despised.

Anytime Scar tried to talk to Grian, he would scream at him. When Scar asked to go on a trip through the town, Grian abruptly refused. No matter what Scar did, Grian always did the opposite. At some point, even he didn't know why he was doing it. He thought it was to let himself feel broken, or to never let anyone in his life again, and maybe it was both. It didn't matter though, no one could save him now; He already lost too much.

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