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i'm explaining this so you all can not get confused, point at the screen and go "isn't that illegal in this universe?"


What is the Magic System?

     The magic system here are basically just elements, people who have it are called Hexers

Water is called "Hydro" people who have this element are called "A Hydro Hexer"

Ground is called "Terra" those who have this element are called "A Terra Hexer"

Air is called "zephyr" those who have this element are called "A Zephyr" no need to add the hexer part

Fire is called "conflagration" those who have this element are just called "Blaze Hexer" because it was too long to say conflagration hexer

You already know which is weaker than the other

Now, there's sub-elements that came from these elements, the sub-elements are called "Secondary Element"

→What are the Secondary Element?

   The Secondary Elements are sub-elements that came from the four original elements, how do people get them you may ask? mixing genes with other who have the same element, though, it only has a 30% of happening

There are multiple Secondary Elements, so here are they!

Terra Secondary Elements
— Sand
— Minerals
— Metal
— Plants

Hydro Secondary Elements
— Ice
— Steam
— Blood ( only have a 20% of happening )
— Bubbles

Zephyr Secondary Elements
— Electricity
— Gravity ( only have a 20% of happening )
— Shadow
— Weather

Conflagration Secondary Elements
— Lava
— Temperature
— Lighting
— Light

"Can you explain what they do—" nuh-uh
Figure it out yourself by reading this story

Now there's Dual Hexers

What are Dual Hexers and what do they do?

Duel Hexers, are Hexers with one Element and one Secondary Element, but why can't they wield two elements or two Secondary elements?

They would explode, actually, they would not be able to handle two elements or two Secondary elements therefore their body could only reach to the age of 7 before dying, so when your a parent and see your child having two primary elements, you should have another child

Dual Hexers are created by one secondary element hexer and one element hexer, but only have a chance of 20% of happening, so it's rare to see them walking around

"Can it be there's threefold or fourfold Hexers?"

Again, they would die by the age of 7 because their body cannot handle it

"What if they're like giants or something"

They can reach to the age of 10 before dying

"Can people have totally different Secondary Element and Element like a hydro and Electricity dual hexer?"



How do you identify someone with elements or secondary elements magic and when they use it?

Identifying them is easy

When the child reaches the age of 3, they would gain a mark on their index finger

Blue is for Hydro
Black is for Terra
Green is for Zephyr
And Red for Conflagration

"What about secondary elements?"

They would gain a darker shade of whatever their secondary is, except for Terra, theirs become lighter


Two marks, one in the index finger, one for the ring finger

When they use their power, their mark would slightly glow

"What happens if you don't have a mark at the age of 3?"

Your either a late bloomer or your just a regular person with no elements at all


What about Mages?

They exist, yes same rules except for marks and dual parts,

Mages or any people who use anything but the elements are people who don't have marks, they can control all of the elements, except for their Primary Elements

How do they do it? Well, the Neanderthals discovered certain runes that sometimes contain the magic of the Elements, they theorized that these were the souls of old Elements Hexers that decided their powers would be transferred to a specific rune, but they don't know for sure.

Can Hexer's elements powers be taken away?

inorder for that to happen you would need a rune without an element with it, take the person you wanna take their element is
And huzzah you made a person magicless

"Wouldn't there be people like, using that for evil?"

Yeah well here's the funny part, an Elementaless rune can basically take any Hexers elements, so it's more ok for people with no elements pick them up
But you might be asking

"That doesn't stop them??"

It's kind of rare to see any Elementaless runes, they pretty much have like a 5 or 4% chance of actually finding it so...

Hardest to Easiest to control element and what Primary element is the hardest to control

(Listed in Hardest to Easiest)

First we have Terra, grounds are usually heavy so these hexers need to be strong inorder to control this element

Hardest Secondary elements is Sand due to having controlling multiple particles at once

Second Hydro, heavy and scare, you need to bring water when you have this element

Hardest Secondary, Blood, do i even have to explain?

Third Conflagration
Secondary Lava

Fourth and last Air
Hardest Gravity


Yeah i think that's it, i might make an official fic thing that's not in here so y'all can understand other shit in this story

Edit Dec.25.2023, 9:03- Added something in the dual hexers thing

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