Chapter 13.5: The Future of Warfare!

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"War..... War has always been a business..."
- Emperor Constantine XXVI, 1929 during the Great Depression

Elysian Empire, Naokiri, October 20, 2028

"So, what do you want to show me?" Emperor Constantine XXXII, along with General Leon of the Imperial Army, asked Ella Von Wagner, a German-Elysian scientist and researcher working for the Elysian Empire on creating new weapons.

Ella smirks, "Well, it will surprise you, Your Excellency," Ella stated as she adjusted her glasses with her middle finger.

Ella pulled the curtain to reveal the other side, and behold, three tough-looking armored suits were unveiled.

"Eh?" Both General Leon and Emperor Constantine XXXII were both surprised and confused.

Ella, with a smug smirk, declared, "Behold! This is the XT-03 Exoskeleton Suit!" Ella exclaimed.

Ella, with a smug smirk, declared, "Behold! This is the XT-03 Exoskeleton Suit!" Ella exclaimed

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"E- exoskeleton suit?"

Ella smiled with pride, "Mhm! My team and I have created this... This masterpiece of technology! We poured all our hearts and minds into these pieces of weaponry!" Ella exclaimed with a teary eye, showing her genuine devotion to Elysium.

"Uhm... How effective are these suits?" General Leon asked the enthusiastic scientist.

"Hah! As expected! Let me and my team show you, our esteemed excellencies, the power of the Exoskeleton suits!" Ella exclaimed enthusiastically.

One of her team members pulled out an RPG and shot it at one of the Exoskeleton suits. The blast was powerful, and the shockwave hit the group, but Emperor Constantine XXXII and General Leon (full name: Leonidas X) stood unaffected by the shockwaves like the badasses they are.

As the smoke cleared up, the Exoskeleton suit that was hit by the RPG rocket remained unaffected, not even moved from its position, not even the slightest. General Leon and Emperor Constantine XXXII's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"Let me tell you the details of this marvelous technology," Ella adjusted her glasses and, with a smug smirk, continued, "these suits feature advanced boots that defy gravity, enabling users to climb walls with unparalleled agility. The strength they offer is nothing short of spectacular, allowing individuals to effortlessly lift 10 tons of steel and metal. These suits propel users at speeds comparable to the early ME 262, turning landscapes into a blur of motion. At the core lies a personal AI, an intuitive companion that enhances the user experience with real-time analysis and adaptive support. In the realm of versatility, these exoskeletons boast different modes, including thermal and night visions. Thermal vision pierces through darkness, while night vision unveils a monochromatic world, providing users with a tactical edge in various environments." Ella finished, leaving the two shocked men with gaping mouths and wide eyes.

"And also-" Ella was suddenly cut off by Emperor Constantine XXXII.

"Mass produce this and make it standard gear for our soldiers! And also, you and your team will be appointed as the head scientists of the Elysian Empire!" The Emperor took Ella's hand and shook it enthusiastically.

Ella and her team's eyes widened. They were overjoyed that their work was accepted by the Emperor. All their hard work had paid off, and their dreams of becoming the top scientists of the Elysian Empire had finally become a reality.



Emperor Constantine XXXII and General Leon sat down, engaged in a serious conversation.

"Sire, intelligence states that the daemons have already pillaged a town in the Sivestian Empire. What should we do? There are millions of them, and they keep multiplying. At this rate, they'll be unstoppable," General Leon said in a desperate tone.

".... Did the UAV spot something odd?" The Emperor asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty. There was a woman with horns on her head and also a crown in the middle of the horde of daemons. I think this was the Daemonlord that the Persian diplomat mentioned to Alexopolou a while ago."

".... If they keep multiplying, then we have no choice..." The Emperor stopped for a moment.

"No choice? What do you mean, Keith?" Leon asked the Emperor.

"We have no choice.... But to use our nuclear weapons..." Emperor Constantine XXXII grimly stated.

"S- sire, but it's too soon!" General Leon was against the use of nukes.

"We have no choice, Leonidas! If we don't use our nukes, then that continent would be fucked up without them!" Constantine XXXII barked.

"But our reputation! What about the Russians? Germans? And Persians? They'll condemn us, worse, the Germans and Russians will cut ties with us!" General Leon retorted.

"I already talked about that with Chancellor Alan, President Putin, and President Khamenei, and they are considering the use of nukes." The Emperor dropped the bombshell.

"Oh, if they are, then I have no choice." General Leon whistled, as if the argument they had was nonexistent.

".... You were thinking about the usage of nukes too, am I right?" Emperor Constantine XXXII smirked at his best friend.

"Mhm.... Yeah. But of course, we talked about capturing the Daemonlord. We could use her as a test subject for our experiments and future projects." General Leon put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a lighter.

"Yes, she'll be a useful subject for our experiments, for future weapons, and even future supersoldiers." The Emperor grinned.


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~End of Chapter~
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