Breathe. ☁️/😏

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(Quick warning, they are going to act so uncanon to their canon personalities it's crazy, but I don't give two flying fucks, just pretend yknow??)

Missions were tough. Especially recently, as Soap had been coming back from them more and more stressed over time.

Ghost took notice of his off behaviour, as he was an observant person, and instantly noticed Soap's body language. The way he spoke, moved, acted, responded to certain situations, how he spent his free time. Ghost could tell he was getting stressed out over all of this. But he could also sense something else.

Attraction. Well, he wasn't sure of it. But he could tell when Soap started stuttering around him. Getting fidgety, breathing a little heavier, and blushing. Ofcourse, he never said anything, not wanting to assume anything. But over time it got more and more obvious.

It got to the point Soap started blushing when he was just within a meter distance of Ghost. Fidgeting his hands and glancing at Ghost every few seconds. He couldn't help it.

So, when Ghost and Soap were paired up during a mission, having to be so close all the time got him breathing heavy and loud. His face would go visibly red and he stuttered a shit ton.

"We- wh- hhh- uh- i- wha-" Soap stuttered , attempting to get a sentence out, as his tongue kept tripping.

"I have no clue what you're saying." Ghost chuckled, teasing him a little. Unaware his teasing and his voice only made his mind scramble more.

"aah...sorry sir, minds been fuc- fucked recently. Stress is getting to me." He explained, hoping he'd believe him.

They kept moving. Their task was to clear the building they were in, to check for any people, explosives, weapons and such. They kept close as they walked through the building. It was mainly empty, their footsteps echoing off the ground against the cold concrete.

They were quietly going through. They entered the 2nd floor, when they heard a gun reload from the other room. Ghost placed his hand to his ear, signaling to Soap, then put a finger to his mouth. Soap understood, keeping quiet and listening out.

Ghost crept to the other room, listening out for footsteps. Soap stood not far behind him, keeping silent to not cause distractions. There sounded to be around 7 in the other room. Too many to just waltz on in carelessly and attempt to take them down with just the two of them.

Ghost's heart skipped a beat when he heard them heading to the door. He whipped his head around, his eyes quickly scanning the room, and he grabbed Soap by the collar, dragging him into a small cabinet in the corner of the room to hide in. (cliche?)

Soap's heart pounded through his chest as he stood in that cabinet, pressed up against Ghost, it felt like he couldn't breathe. Not from stress. He could feel the strong butterflies in his stomach.

Soap's back was against Ghost's chest, Ghost had an arm around his chest, Ghost's arm going beneath his right arm, over his chest, and hand grasping his shoulder, all whilst pulling him close. Soap couldn't help but blush hard, being held by your crush isn't exactly an unexciting situation. His heart was pounding, and his breathing was heavy and loud.

Ghosts free hand moved to Soap's mouth, grasping it closed. "Keep quiet." He ordered, whispering his command to Soap, who just about felt like passing out.


They cleared out the group of 7,which turned out to be enemy. Ghost turned to Soap, to talk with him about the whole cabinet situation.

"You alright? You keep breathing so heavy. Especially in that cabinet." Ghost asked, though, he felt like he knew the answer. But as always, he didn't want to go jumping to conclusions.

Meanwhile, Soap felt like his heart was about to explode. He was still panting like crazy. "I- *exhale, inhale* Im alright.. *exhale, inhale*Its just-... you-.. i-... *heavy exhales and inhales*"

"What about me?" Ghosts eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Maybe he was right.

"Its-... I dont think now is the time or place to tell you." Soap continues heavy breathing, panting between words.

"Just tell me. Am I scary or something? What is it?" Ghost continued pushing. He wanted to know. He couldn't help but be curious.

".. If you don't feel the same, we'll still be friends. Right?" He takes a deep breath

".. Is that your way of confessing Johnny?" He smirked under his mask. His eyes didn't deceive him. He was right.

"..Fuck...i-... I guess it is. It's fine if you don't like me b-" Soap gets cut off as Ghost moves closer to him, his hand grabbing Soap by the chin, and moving his head to look up at him. Soap's eyes flew to Ghost's mouth, as he realised Ghost's mask was pulled up over his nose.

"Wha-..." He stuttered, confusion yet need filled his mind. His eyes continued to stare hungrily at Ghost's lips. Fuck. This is gay. This is very very gay.

"May I?" Ghost asked, staring at Soap's lips too. Asking exactly what Soap thought be was asking.

Soap nodded eagerly, and Ghost wasted no time, lifting Soap's head and leaning down his own to kiss. Their mouths colliding, and Soap's heart beated like he had ran a marathon. He was in shock for a moment, before quickly kissing back, his hands resting on Ghost's jawline. Ghost's hand was on the back of Soap's head, the other on his neck, grabbing it gently, not enough to choke him, but enough to let him feel the squeeze.

Their tongues moved against each other's, Ghost having had experience before, and Soap just being 'a natural'. When they pulled away, they both panted, a string of saliva connecting their tongues. Ghost wiped it off and pulled his mask back down. Soap just stood there for a moment in awe. His heart racing.

Ghost just... went back on mission. Carrying on as if nothing happened. "We still need to search 3rd floor before going back to extraction." He spoke, walking off, and Soap just stood in shock, before licking his lips and catching up.

Haven't written before, hope this is good for my first. 1053 words :3

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