Mask. 💔

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(ANGST!! Also credits to ghostreads141 on tiktok for the idea!! I love their videos :)

Soap and Ghost. Ghost and Soap. A duo you never see without one another. Attached by the hip. Yet, the mask stays on, and has stayed, throughout their entire friendship.

They were together gearing up for a mission in Ghost's room, when Soap decided to make a deal.

"Hey, L.T, if this mission goes well, you gotta show me that face of yours." Soap suggests, as he puts on his vest.

"Easy. Almost every mission goes wrong in some way. Even if it's just a small mistake." Ghost replies, his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looks down at Soap. "Your telling me, no mistakes, none in the slightest, and I should show you my face?"

"Precisely." Soap nods, maintaining eye contact with him. A gentle smirk on his face of determination.

"Deal." Ghost chuckles just for a moment, before grabbing whatever else he needed, and leaving the room. Soap, celebrating in his head, following not far behind.


The two of them are paired up for the mission, hopping out of the heli and eventually being seperated from Gaz and Price. Their mission being to clear out a building, making sure there are no enemies, explosives, people, loose weapons and such. There were 2 seperate buildings, not too tall, around 3 stories each and connected. They were certain people were inside, upon seeing a few glances of movement through windows.

They entered the first building. Their footsteps echoing against the cold empty abandoned rooms.

"You clear 2nd floor. I'll clear 1st. Stay alert, you hear anything, tell me." Ghost instructs him, referring to the radio incase they needed communication instead of just shouting and revealing their locations. He walks off, scoping out the room silently.

Soap quietly heads upstairs. clearing the 2nd floor.


Once the 2nd floor was clear, They clear out the 3rd floor together, and head out once that's done. Sure enough, there were a few enemies through the whole building. Only 3,luckily. They too them out easily and moved on.

"Going well so far, eh?" Soap smirks as he looks up at Ghost, who doesn't look back, so Soap looks away, still walking by him.

"Going well." Ghost repeats, still walking. Eyes ahead. Confident that something would go wrong, surely?

They continue going through the building,this once being larger than the other one, but also not much going on other than one or two enemies taken out silently by knife and a few weapons, fortunately left unloaded and or broken. Soap, meanwhile, has a few dad jokes on his mind.

"Hey L.T, what do you call a fish that wears a bow tie?" Soap asks, as he checks through the drawers.

"Sofishticated." Ghost chuckles lightly as he responds.

"Fuck! How'd you know?" Soap laughs, looking over at Ghost, who was currently holding a gun he found, pocketing it as it wasn't broken.

Ghost smirks under his mask, before turning around and looking at Soap. "Used it before. And it's one of my favourites."

"I'll take note of that." Soap mutters, sounding like he's joking, but in reality, he's gonna remember that. "What do you call German bread?"

"I dont know that one. Tell me." Ghost smiles, going back to searching for people or items.

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