A Dinner Party Date Turned Personal Orgy

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Later at Amu Hinamori's own house, something in a present bag had suddenly shown up at the pink head's doorstep just as soon as she opened her front door to look out for Tadase about their date for that very same night. Amu bent down to reach the present bag upon realizing her front doorbell had been rung for her to get said present bag. There was even a card in the present bag in addition to whatever lay in the actual bag, itself.

Just after Amu had retrieved the present bag from her front doorstep, the pink head went over to her own couch where she got with her white cat, Cleopatra, to ask her about the present bag which the pink head had gotten from a mysterious sender.

Amu Hinamori: What is this? What is this, Cleo?

Amu then opened up the envelope which came with her present bag. Said envelope seemed to have a cute little monkey on the front of it. Cleopatra just meowed at the card.

Amu Hinamori (continued): What? What is it, Cleo-baby?

While Cleopatra just continued meowing and even purring every so often as her owner got into her own card, Amu opened up the card to read that the anonymous sender who had given her such a prize was none other than her own romantic idea agreement rival and her show's talent star, Ikuto Tsukiyomi, the minute she read the inside of the card the blunet had sent along with his present bag to her.

Monkey card: This present isn't for you. It's for your bean. Signed Ikuto.

Of course, upon seeing that the present in her bag was from Ikuto, of all people, Amu suddenly grew suspicious as to the blunet's motives for having given her a gift at all. The pink head decided to dig into the present that the blunet had sent to her, anyway, if only just to find out what he could have sent to her that had needed to be sent to her for the purpose he had in mind for the present in question.

Amu Hinamori (continued): What is this? What is this, Cleopatra?

Upon opening up the present, Amu took a look at the thing in question and just as quickly pulled out the gift from the wrapping tissue within the present bag, only to discover exactly what Ikuto had sent to her.

Amu Hinamori (continued): 'Astrea 1'?

Amu opened her present from Ikuto up a little more to discover why the card had told the pink head that the blunet had sent her the present for her bean. She scoffed as she did so, while her cat, Cleopatra, just up and caterwauled for which she had heard it was sent to her owner.

Amu Hinamori (continued): Oh. 'Vibrating brief'. Wow.

Yep, Ikuto had sent Amu a pair of underpants to wear for her time on her dates with Tadase. There was even a remote which had come with said underwear to make it vibrate whenever said remote activated the vibrations of the panties.

Eventually, Amu started to get ready for her date with Tadase as she just disregarded the vibrating briefs to save for another time in their relationship. She put on a white dress and applied fair, skin-colored lipstick to her face when she received a text message from Tadase saying that he was running late.

Amu Hinamori (continued): Ii. Tometo ii. Sugoi!

Amu then sighed into her glass as she drank her rose wine. It was then and there that the pink head suddenly figured that she had a bit of time to kill as she waited for her blond date to get off from his work at the doctor's office. So, she decided to put on the vibrating panties she had been given by her frenemy from within her own network television studio, Ikuto, and keep them on for when Tadase finally showed up at her front door. Sure, the briefs were black and lacy while her dress was white and solid, but the pink head did not feel as though she had any room to complain about it. Her cat, Cleopatra, however, kept on meowing for Amu to stop trying so hard to impress Tadase.

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