A Surprise Reunion at the Ballon Fest

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The Ikuto Tsukiyomi replacement that Amu wound up choosing for her television network, TKMN, was a brunet named Jaku Harushiki. He just did his own make-up from within a hot-air balloon.

Jaku Harushiki: Dōu is my face? Is it too shiny?

It was painfully clear to poor Senna that her best work friend, Amu, might have made the wrong choice with her final Ikuto Tsukiyomi replacement. Of course, the dark chestnut brunette only shook her head 'ie' at the question from the replacement for their prized talent.

Jaku Harushiki: Dore no side is better? Right, left, full frontal?

Of course, Amu, herself, started to realize her mistake in hiring an idiot like Jaku to take Ikuto's place on the show. It was far too late to turn back from there, though.

Amu Hinamori: They're all sugoi. Can we go over your intro one more time?

It was obvious that Jaku had only auditioned for the replacement of Ikuto Tsukiyomi because he had wanted to be on television just to attract girls, especially since he seemed to have been such a loser before then. Amu knew that she needed to work with the guy, anyway. So, the pink head decided to lead the brunet by starting out his intro for him.

Amu Hinamori (continued): 'I'm Harushiki Jaku, and this is...'

Jaku Harushiki: 'The Ugly Truth'.

Then, Jaku made the very stupidest hand gesture as the replacement for Ikuto Tsukiyomi he could have ever made. Jaku pretended to shoot out towards his audience, which the real Ikuto Tsukiyomi would have easily recognized as quite a stupid hand gesture. Even Amu Hinamori, herself, knew it was quite a stupid hand gesture from Jaku. It was easy to see that the pink head was totally nervous about her replacement for Ikuto.

Amu Hinamori: OK. Let's, uh, maybe lose the gun thing.

Of course, Jaku was only all too surprised by what Amu had asked of him. The unsurprisingly ignorant brunet was also slightly defensive about the fact that Amu had asked him to lose his gun thing, for specific reasons.

Jaku Harushiki: Nani? The gun's my signature move, my trademark.

Amu was only too upset that Jaku was willing to argue with her about what he had needed to do for anyone to watch their show.

Amu Hinamori: Unless the BTLA is paying your mortgage this month, I say lose the effing gun.

That was when Amu's best work friend/associate producer, Senna, told them that it was just about time for their show to air from on the set-up of the hot-air balloon festival.

Senna Hanazono: All right, we're live in go, yon, san...

Then, Senna mouthed the remainder of her countdown to when Jaku would have needed to start talking from the hot-air balloon in which he was stationed at the time.

Senna Hanazono (mouthing): Ni, ichi.

Meanwhile back at the television station with Yuu, Yukari and Kairi, the husband-and-wife-team of co-chief executive directors had been in their studio's broadcasting room with the dark-teal-haired kid brother of the wife on their team sitting in his standard director's chair.

Kairi Sanjo: Think that this guy she hired is any good.

Yuu Nikaido: He better be.

As all three of them watched the guy that their top producer had hired as Ikuto Tsukiyomi's replacement, Jaku Harushiki's body and image came onto the air, and he began his own intro of the blunet's old show.

Jaku Harushiki: Ohayo, I'm Harushiki Jaku, and this is 'The Ugly Truth'.

Then, Jaku flashed a two-finger waving symbol out to his own viewing audience.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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