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I sat next to my recently eloped and newly living together boyfriend, he has just been refusing to come out of the blanket, as if afraid of something

"Whats wrong with you Tomio! What on earth made you so scared!" I looked down at the blanket as I noticed him peeking an eye out of his blanketed fortress, "Its that thing at the window... Why arent you scared?!... This world is filled with demons!" His eye still peeked out pathetically

"Demons? What are you talking about?" As I concernedly asked my new husband what he meant. "Cant you see!? Right over there! Look its even over there! You should grab a blanket and hide aswell!" He reached his hand out to point seemingly everywhere in the room.

He stayed like this, not willing to leave the house, he refused to see a psychologist. He would come out to do basic stuff like using the toilet, at first. But not long after, he opted for diapers, no longer leaving his blanket fort.. Of course I was the one who had to take care of him, and the diapers.

Working in the day, taking care of Tomio at night.. It was physically and mentally exhausting. I was reaching my limit, And then there was one night, while I lay down while closing my eyes, I opened them while half asleep and the sight I saw caused me to immediately awaken. I realised all of what Tomio was seeing.

I screamed loudly as they seemed to be gripping onto me, "A-at the window, please forgive me.. Its all that womans fault!" As he point to the woman above the window," That woman right there! Its all apart of her devious plan!"

"I'll come clean! Im the one who brought the woman here! That night while you werent here.. just someone I met on the street.. I dont even know where she came from! She told me she was demon, I felt a sudden chill! And broke off all contacts with her! That thing is actually a demon" Tomio seemingly yelled towards me.

I screamed again as I abandoned my new husband, opting to run out of the apartment in my pyjamas, and to not arrive until a month again later.

A month later, I slowly approached the front door to our apartment and gently jiggled the knob. "Tomio..?" I hesitatingly walked forward into the bedroom area, "Tomio?" I noticed the blanket looking like it had a figure under it

I lifted up said blanket as it peels up revealing Tomio, and infested with something like mould, I called the police and scientests for them to figure something out.
The entire blankets was infested with a strange glowing bacteria, after much investigation, it was discovered the strange glowing bacteria could actually cause minor hallucinations.

And so, the unconscious Tomio, narrowly escaped death.

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