Haunted Wood Mansion

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Our house is rich with history, passed down from generations to the next. Just last year it was declared as to be a 'national treasure'. This house has always been with us, be it from and through happy or sad times.
My father and I have been born and raised in this very mansion, with the best thatch roof and a grand feel to it, This wooden mansion has been the very pride of my father.
Because of frequent student interviews, we really have no choice but to keep this place clean.

"Daddy, to be honest im rather reluctant to let outsiders into our house. I mean.. this is our house afterall"
"Thats silly talk Megumi! Since our house is declared a 'National Treasure' Its a given we should give others a chance to tour our heritage."

It was just then a voice rang out from the hallway, "Excuse me! Sorry for interrupting!" As I and father looked up he quietly said to me "Who could that be.. Go check it out Megumi"

I got up from my place of cleaning and went towards the door seeing a tall shadowy figure behind the door, "Coming! Who is it?" I opened the door to see a tall woman with short black hair standing infront.
"Ah sorry for coming without prior notice, My name is Kino Manami, Im currently studying in university, majoring in architecture. After hearing about this mansion, I have come in hopes of being granted a tour around."
I stared up at her and replied, "Oh.. if its a study tour, we have a set period allocated for that, please come again then, we're not open to public any other time"
She seemed pretty focused on being let in, "Could you just let it slide, just this one time?"
"But.." my father interrupted, "Why arent you bring the guest in Megumi! Its rare to get visitors visiting" I started up again "But dad.."

The tall woman replied again, "Thank you very much."
"Come this way please," my father guided her down into the rooms, "This mansion was built in the Ansei Gannen, As the children of the founder, we have been taking care of this house for generations!"
"What marvellous architecture! This pillar, this wall, this floor.. Is really alluring.. The dome pillars really highlight the masculinity of this building. Im shivering in excitement just by looking at it! Not only that but the mansion is so very spacious! How many rooms does it have!" I noticed my father looked either uncomfortable or alerted she showed so much liking towards the house

"A total of eleven!"
"Wow.. how many family memebers do you have?"
"Just me and my daughter"
"Odd.. what about your wife?" That seemed a bit concerning to me but it didnt seem to take a toll on my father.
"About that.. we've been seperated for many years before hand.."
"I see.. a slip of tongue. Sorry about that. This mansion is beyond perfect! This definitely will heighten my expectations for future architectures!"
"Im really honoured that you think that!"
"That.. even thought its our first time meeting.. i have a request.. I know this may seem rude but.."
"Hm? What request?"
"Is it possible for me to live here for a short period of time?"
My father seemed startled before replying, "A-ah..? You mean my house?"
"Yes.. i've been completely captivated by this mansion, I'd love to stay here and study this mansions past and architecture. I dont mind staying in the storage" She practically begged to my father.

"Ah no need to that extent.."
"Pretty please! Im willing to undertake all the chores and tend to you and your daughters needs in my stay! I'll do anything."

"Ah! What did you say!?" He chuckled lightly before continuing, "I guess I dont have any choice, Do I?"

I and father sat around the table as he told me.
"That person wants to stay here.. And you agreed!?"
"Yes! Its only a short period of time anyway!"
"How short is a 'short period' of time!"
"Hmm.. probably two to three months?"
"But abrubtly requesting to stay here? Thats too strange!"

"She's clearly a creep! Touching our house all over and saying things like alluring..and seducing you with her eyes.. that person.."
"Its just you and your mind Megumi.. Besides, I think its not a bad idea for you either, with her around she can help you with household chores! Then you can focus on your studies."
"Alright then.. but dad, you must promise me you wont have any sort of strange relationships with that lady!"
"O-of course I wouldnt! Silly girl!"

The next day

"So sorry for causing so much inconvenience," she was stood at the door with two cases of anything she may have needed.
"Please take care of me from now on!"

"Come in, come in! Your room will be on the second floor!" He clapped his hands and brought her to the room she will be residing in for her stay. "Wow!~ What a pretty room!"
"You can look for me if theres anything you need!"
"Thank you very much"
I stood towards the doorframe, watching the interaction between the two.

It was later on when she was making seemingly a buffet of food, "This is way too much! And also incredibly tasty!"
"Thats true.." The lady smiled at me creepily after I had said that directing to her food.

Just like she promised, Kino Manami took care of every aspects of our daily needs and household chores. Even though she said it was for repayment of letting her stay, I think it was more than enough. My perception of her gradually changed.
And it wasnt even long before the two of them were married,  Dad seemed to have the same thing in mind, even to the extent of wondering how it would be if she married my father.

"Hey so.. where are you both going for your honeymoon" I curiously asked the two of them, as my father replied back, "Nowhere, Manami wants to only stay at home."
"Ah.. is that really alright with you, Manami?"
"Yes.. staying at home is the best!"

It was later on that night, that I opened the door to my fathers room to see him sat on a cushion on the floor, turned away.
"Hey dad.. you seem down lately. Are you unhappy with Manami-san?"
"Hmm? No.. nothing of the sort.."
"But then.. whats wrong?"
"Putting that aside Megumi, is this house really all that perfect?"
"Huh? Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Of course it is! Its not only a national treasure but also the place we grew up in! Werent you always proud of it..?"

"Im not very sure myself.. but this house seems quite unusual lately.. the wall, pillars too, those dome ones aswell.. something seems off."
"I cant feel it.. Also where is Manami-san?"
"Most likely on the second floor.."
I went up the stairs to the second floor, peeking into her room, "Manami-san? Are you up here?" Just to recoil in disgust to see her kneeling to the ground, kissing it while in a naked form.
I heard soft moans and giggles coming from her as I thought of what on earth she could be doing.
I slowly left while creeping away to my own room

I lay in my bed thinking about what I had just seen.
"I was right.. she is a creep. What a freak.. is she doing that thing again..?"
I shuffled hear noises against the house that sounded like Manami.
"W-what is this sound.. and it stinks.. like.. bad breath?"

I got out of bed holding my nose, going downstairs, "Dad!"
I noticed it starting shaking, "Dad! Its an earthquake!" Seeing him only scrubbing at the floor, I went down properly trying to see what he was so focused on.

"Megumi! Nows not the time for that! Who did this! What a wicked act!"
"A-ah? What?"
"Gosh daddy! We can do this kind of thing later! Theres an earthquake now!"
"But this is so weird! I cant wipe it off no matter how hard I scrub! This is so infuriating! Take a look Megumi."
"What are you talking about.. Ah!"

As he scrubbed harder, the graffiti pulled and moved like human skin around eyes, except there was actually eyes..
"Who the hell did this! How dare they graffiti on national treasure!"
As he scrubbed he pulled the eyes opened and back closed, multiple times
"Ah! Stop this!"
The eyes grew to be everywhere, on the pillars, even the dome ones.
"Gross! What are these things?!"
"My home.. my house... W-where is that woman! Where is Manami!"

I looked up and noticed Manami, but not the human Manami, a wooden figure of Manami able to crawl around the house.
A faint giggling managed to resound around the remains of the house.

"Ah! Dad!
"Im gonna burn it! This kind of house, Im gonna burn it!"
"Dad stop! We've gotta leave this place first!"
We shakily walked to the door of the house, leaving in a haste

"Where did that woman go?"
"Who cares! She must've fled from the house after getting tired of it.. or fused with the house.. That woman was sick in the head! She lusted for buildings and the mansion must've returned her feelings! Im afraid this house is no longer our home."

The wood mansion had lost its value and due to special reasons, It had been stripped of its title of being a 'National Treasure'.

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