All Beginnings

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I woke up I guess.

I got ready and dressed, took my bag, and headed out. I walked out of my home; it was a bit rainy. The sidewalk was a bit slippery. I wasn't bothered though. I was wearing the perfect shoes for that weather, and also I was kidnapped.

It was a bit sudden. I walk out of my house, I lock the key, and begin to walk. About 6 steps later there's this black guy with loads of muscles hacking me into a sack. Then I appeared here. They left me in the bag and dumped me in some kind of warehouse that stinks like hell, and has some kind of green moss that keeps sucking into my leg. The weather is so cold. I think I'll die of hypothermia. I am so mad that I could spit and chew rocks. What the hell? What are my parents going to say when I come back to them after being kidnapped? They'll never leave me alone.

As I am thinking this, I hear a door open, and footsteps begin to echo in my ears. They do not approach me though. Instead, they reverse around me and hands begin to untie me from the sack.

I am not stupid. I know that as soon as they finish untying me they're going to kill me or sell me for ransom. A soon as I come out of the bag, I sprint to what I assume is the exit. That's where the footsteps came from. On opening the door, the smell of manure hits my nostrils, and a cow is looking at me straight in the eyes.

MOOO? It says. Like, What the hell?

"I should probably tell you this is the last thing people see before I kill them," a male voice says. "But I don't want to scare you."

A cow?

I turn around and see...

And see...

The cutest and most handsome boy I have ever seen in my life. His hair looks so sandy I just want to run my hands through them, his arms are so tan and his face...

Oh god his face.

It like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had a teenage boy. That is all I can do to describe his face. His eyes are so brown it's like I'm looking beneath the earth itself. His nose in the most perfect perfection, and his lips...

Oh, and he is also holding a gun. Did I forget to mention that?

I am silent, because, honestly, I am at loss for words. I actually never thought that God would give make my killer handsome, but he did a good job.

He is not puzzled at my silence, he simply raises his eyebrows, like "Seriously?"

I mentally slap myself.

I focus on the gun in his hand, then I look at the cow. He seems not to care about the gun or what is happening. He is simply grazing. He looks up at me, like, S'up, and went back to eating.

Unfortunately for me, the cow was blocking the exit/barn door or whatever they call it, so I don't have an easy escape.

'You can't leave here,' said the boy, voicing out my thoughts. 'Unless you plan on jumping the cow.'

'Ha, ha. Very funny.' I said facing my captor. I'm not as weak as he expects, and my comment confuses him.

He then says, but clearly not to me. 'Don't shoot.'

I blink, expecting it to be some kind of trick. 'What?'

'Yeah what?' Another says, a deep voice still hidden in the darkness of the barn.

'Yeah what?' says another. A light female voice speaks this time.

The boy rolls his eyes. He looks less handsome when he's agitated.

'Don't shoot.' He says the words one at a time, like their idiots.

He then puts his eyes back on me and I squirm. He smiles. I like his smile.

But I don't like his question. 'Where do you live?'


'Yeah what?' says the female voice.

'Shut up.' The boy murmurs agitated again. Then to me. 'I hear your dad is a real heartthrob, big star huh?'

He looks me up and down. 'Wonder what that makes you.'

I accept his scrutiny because, well, he could put a bullet through my head, so I stay silent and glare at him.

He smiles. I no longer like his smile. In fact, this guy is becoming uglier by the minute.

'I like you.' He says. (As you can expect, I rolled my eyes.) 'But you're strong spirit isn't going to save you here, friend. So, I want you to work with me okay.'

He removes something on his gun, which I guess is the safety, and points it at me. 'I'm going to ask you again, and I want and answer. Where do you live?'

I can't help it. I laugh. 'You guys want to go to my house.' I say pointing towards the dark were his "friends" are probably hiding.

'Ok, wait, wait wait wait.' I say, trying to calm down. 'You guys kidnapped me, trespassed on a barn and risked getting caught so you could ask for directions to my house.'

I lose it in a fit of giggles. I honestly can't help it. Everything is so ironic. Then the boy shoots near my head and I squeak out of the way. The shot hits the barn door and disappears. This, gets the cows attention. He runs (or moos) away, giving me clear passage.

'Don't, Even, Think about it.' The boy says.

I turn to him, a smile on my face. 'I live on Abbey Street. I'm number 4.'

He blinks. 'Thanks?'

Then I sprint out of there, and don't look back. Bullets break out, but none of them touch me. I find a wooden gate and open it. Then there's an iron gate with a scared gateman watching guard.

'Please don't hurt me. I didn't tell nobody's.' he says when he sees me, grimacing like I'm going to hit him. Instead, I grab him, hoping I didn't break his arm, and we run out of the gate and into my house. Abbey Street, number 5.


'She got away!' Arena exclaims, watching the girl as she jumps over the wooden fence. 'Thanks a lot Devon! We were supposed to deliver her dead body, not ask for her phone number.'

'Address.' I correct.

'Same thing!' she counters.

'Look, we've got her address, all we have to do is go there and take her. It's that easy.'

'Or we could have killed her right there and this shit would have never happened.' Berry says, walking towards us, slung around his dark arm is a duffel bag with all our guns inside. 'We have to get back. The mission's failed already, there's nothing we can do about that.'

'It isn't failed.' I complained.

'You really think that she would tell you her address and then she would just stay there, without any protection or anything. I mean, how are we even sure that's her real address!' Arena said.

'I hate when you do that.' I say, running my hands through my hair. 'Ok, how about, this, we go to Abbey Street...'

'NO!' Berry and Arena exclaim.

'...about a week from now, maybe two.' I continue, ignoring them. 'At least by then everything should have cooled down. Then we check if she lives there. Her dad could even be there too. Double score. We drug them, take them back to the base, and give them to the Yenni for double the price their asking. It's a win-win!!'

Arena looks at Berry. 'Should we?'

He looks at me.

'Yeah.' He sighs. 'It won't hurt.'

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