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My father is probably going to kill me, and I have to admit that its quite stupid to let him in when it's probably a lie, but all I can think about is the sadness in his eyes, and how much it reflected my hopelessness. How horrible the feeling of being defeated was, and how much relief I had felt at being told yes, not knowing who it was, that he would be the most popular middle-aged dude to exist.

I guess that it was sympathy, too much sympathy, which is why I'm still at full guard. I'm not going to let this boy destroy the only man who cared about me, who actually cared that I needed help.

Which is why I noticing his slight hesitation in coming in, as he slipped his phone into his back pocket.

'Did you actually just let me in? You seriously trust me?'

'No.' I said stating the obvious.

'Then why did-'

'If you ask that question again your leaving this house.'

He shut up.

Then he darted to the kitchen. I didn't follow him, obviously. Instead, I went straight to the old telephone my dad bought for emergencies.

'Hey dad?'

I heard some muffling, someone saying 'Action!' and some scuffling. 'Honey what's wrong. Hope everything's okay.'

'Fine. Well not really. I kind of need you to call the Wilsons again. I have to discuss something with them.'


He hung up.

I finally moved to the kitchen where the boy-Devon-was holding a bread knife and a gun in his holster. He was staring at me, his expression blank. His eyes suddenly looked golden as the sun hit his eyes. His hair suddenly looking so light, like they could float away. His shoulder so straight his chin up, confident. His black hoodie and jeans hanging on his body, like he hadn't eaten in a while or he's just naturally skinny.

This dude is hot.

He is still looking at me, as if wondering which strike would hurt me more.

There is an awkward silence. I won't lie I am scared. I might die before reinforcements even get here. 'I'm going to assume you're not trying to cut bread.'

He looks at the knife in his hands and immediately drops it. It clatters to the floor. I look up at him, immediately realizing that this boy wasn't that much of a threat as I thought. All I had to do was stall him and everything would be alright. This dude would be over before he could even think or turn his head around.

I smiled at the thought then raised an eyebrow at the knife. 'Are you... nervous.'

'Reflexes.' He muttered.

'So... you're not going to use the gun.'

He narrowed his eyes.

'Or the phone. You'd probably want backup to kill a spoilt 16-year-old girl. Right?'

He gritted his teeth. 'Shut up.'

'You can't be much older than me. What could you possibly be doing with dangerous people like that when you just ended puberty? Huh?'

'I will skin you alive.' He growled, pointing the gun at me. He was really mad. I had to switch tactics.

I sighed. 'What? You're not going to kill me now? I've basically been asking for it.'

He blinked. 'What?'

'What do you think?' I asked.

'I am very confused right now.'

'So am I.'


I put my hand on my head, and muttered. 'You are so stupid.'


'Any time now, there's going to be press, cameras. Do you know how much my father would succeed if they found out I was dead? So much pity praise, he wouldn't need to work for the rest of his life.'

He frowned. 'What about your dad?'

I pretended to be confused. 'What about him?'

'Wouldn't he be... I don't know sad, that you're gone'

'Who cares!' I exploded, my hands in hair. 'I'd be doing my dad a favor, getting him that much money!'

He shook his head. 'Wait! You're distracting me!'

I rolled my eyes. 'No kidding, Sherlock.' I muttered.

He scoffed. 'We'll aren't you smart.'

'Nah! You're just dumb.'

He smiled. 'You are dying today.'

'Cool.' I muttered.

He growled and reached for his gun and I ducked under the kitchen counter. Bullets broke against the back of the counter, and I put my hands over my ears. It was so loud. It went on for so long. Could it just stop! Please...

Then there was silence, though my ears were still ringing and the wind was whistling, I could still feel the silence.

I ran out the door just as it exploded with bullets where I was a few seconds ago.

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