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I watched the sunset as the lights danced over my head, until BOOM! It was night. I have always loved the sunset. I even tried to google it online and watch it from there once when I was a kid. I cant remeber if I ever succeded, but i think it did. But ii probably wasnt better than the original.

The stars began to wink at me, and blink in the dark inky sky. The harder it was to see, the better I felt. Like the darkness was travelling a hearty distance.

I looked towards Kira, and she was already asleep, her snores light, her chest rising and falling. She had a hand on her head and the other on her thigh. Her lips were parted, whereas her legs were spread open, but not too much. Her eyebrows were scrunched up, as if in confusion. Her body was still. Her black shirt flowing with the small breeze. 

Berry was in the front, snoring away. The car could drive by itself, so he had barely done anything the entire trip. God knows why he was so tired. Arena was still in the SUV behind us, and was probably asleep. So I was alone with my thoughts.

I began to hum the tune of everything sucks by vaultboy, until Berry stirred awake.

He groaned. 'What time is it?'

I didnt answer, hoping he would go back to sleep.

'Bro, youre not awake?'

I sighed. 'I am. But why'd you jump awake all of a sudden.'

He cleared his throat. 'Bad dreams.' he muttered.

We were both silent. We all had a bit of a spook from time to time. I remember Kira's words, her tone confused. 

'You dont have to worry. Im 18, not heartless.'

'But, i mean, arent you supposed to be?' 

'It's just, weird. You know. Im starting to like this girl.'

I raised an eybrow. 'What?'

'Calm down. I dont mean i love her. That's clearly your jurisdiction.'

I slumped. 'Why does everyone think i love her.'

'I bet you wore studying her when you woke up.'

I sighed. 'Yeah whatever. Now shut up. I dont want her to wake up.'

Berry turned to her. 'I dont think she's waking up any time soon.'

'This girl is pretty unpredictable. You never know.'

'Yeah sure.' He leaned back into his seat. 'What about you? Couldnt sleep.'



'I dreamt she would be like Aurora.'

Again, silence. I looked at him, remembering the horror i had felt at Saint Damien's. The horror of having to do it again.

There is horror clearly written all over my face. I have never felt this scared since after he called me the last time. What did I have to do now...?

I wondered to myself, wondered if i could stand it again.

'You must really like her then.'

He sniffled. 'I mean, she's got a good butt.'

I laughed. 'Her name's Kira. By the way.'

'Huh. That's a beautiful name. Her file said she was an orphan though.'

'It did?'

'Yeah. Said her dad picked her up when she was 10. Media says the girl saved him, made him start acting again. She means a lot to him. Probably the best target for ransom.'

I sighed. 'Yeah'

'I still think about it, you know. How someone can be so twisted...'

'Well, that's my dad.'

'He fucking chocked her. Squeezed her blood out. Drank it. I cant...'

'I know. How do you think I feel? I'm his son.'

'I guess it's crazy. Her parents were willing to pay. She was so nice. And really beautiful. She had a future. You have to think about that when you're taking someone else's ife. You know.'

Basically, her parents took too long to pay, and she was also getting out of line, according to my father, and so we had to get rid of her. He called 3 of us up and...

And well he...

You get it. Dont you?

You can start listening to the song above from here if you want, although it might not correspond.😋😋

The radio was suddenly working, and Solo, by Myles Smith began to play. Berry had told me about this song, and it had become our bond. He had told me about when I was trying to get away. When I was sure I couldn't possibly be a murderer...

'Those where the days, huh.'

You promised a lifetime but left in a moment...

'Yeah, How old was I anyway?'

'13. I was 14. You were so cute, I could have gone gay for you.'

Throw me a lifeline because I'm barely floating
Stranded and broken

'Well youre lucky you didn't.'

You know you got me lost in the dark
Is it too late? Is it too late for us?

Berry laughed.

You know you got me lost in my heart
Is it too late? Is it too late for us?

We both sang to rythm, our hearts in something so small and meaningless. I guess there was something in me that just made me feel left behind in the dark.

Oh I was wasting my time hoping you'd call

But damn you're so cold

Oh why'd you make me feel safe

Just to walk away, Just to let me go

I guess he could be talking about Aurora, or my father, or maybe even Arena.

My life is pretty fucked up as it is.

I felt my eyelids slide down, Berry's snores making a rythm with Kira's. The song began to receed and I strained to hear.

Oh why'd you get me so high, to leave me so low, to leave me Solo.

It didnt correspond, i know, but i tried my best.😅😅😅

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