Chapter 119 - Some More Aliens

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"Bruce called!", Eleanor heard Steve say from another room.

That's right, the gang was back together. Over the previous few months, Natasha and Eleanor had managed to get out of that godforsaken apartment and do some hero work with Steve and Sam—small jobs, not Avengers-level threats. Enough to keep some streets safe, and that was fine by them. Ross may rather have them locked up to prove a point—the point that his head was rammed up his ass—instead of allowing them to protect the world, but they would still protect whatever small piece of the world that they could.

However, this put them back on the radar slightly. Talks of Avengers spotted around Eastern Europe do not stay as small campfires and instead spread like wildfire. They hadn't been caught, the authorities were stupid, but this had meant that some of their old friends knew they were operating again.

Namely, Bruce Banner, who hadn't even been there during the Civil War. Eleanor thought he was a lucky ducky. He didn't have to choose a side because he wasn't there to choose a side.

Her fingers worked to grasp all of her hair up into a ponytail as she looked in a small mirror of the quinjet, the other three up front who all had short hair didn't have to worry about this, so they all worked on strategy and navigation. Meanwhile, Eleanor was murmuring curses at herself as the hair tie she used was too tight and caught her finger when she did the last twist.

Yanking her hair tight, she moved up to the front, placing a hand on Nat's lower back, meaning her hand was resting on Yelena's jacket, and leant over slightly to look out of the cockpit window. "So... some people are trying to get the stone thingy out of Vision's head? The one that can blast big ol' laserbeams, yes?".

Steve turned to face her and nodded "He's with Wanda, so I'd imagine she can hold them off for a short period of time, but not for long". Eleanor nodded with understanding. Wanda was powerful, yes, but they had no idea what they were up against, or if they could easily overpower Wanda. It didn't help her case that she had not been checking in with the small group of heroes like she said she would. The intel they gathered found that she was safe, but that was beside the point, and in a way, made herself look worse. She was perfectly okay, so why couldn't she tell them that?

As they approached the area of assumed conflict, they could immediately see that something wasn't right. Evidence of fighting was clear, with a hole in the roof, and skirmish marks on the floor were visible as the jet lowered in the vicinity of Waverley Train Station. "We'll go at them from all angles, they're powerful, so... element of surprise", Sam spoke whilst adjusting some of his gear as the others nodded and headed towards the now open hatch.

"Careful", Nat spoke to Eleanor as they walked out, who gave a curt nod in response before giving a half smile. They've been up against worse. She made her way across the tarmac, to one of the side entrances, and remained out of sight near a small dead end alley way of toilets, keeping an eye out front for when she needed to come out.

A glimpse of the two from the Black Order were enough to give anyone the heebie jeebies. They were big, that much was certain, and the weapons they carried were out of this world. Literally. She couldn't predict how the fight was going to go, and she did not like that one bit. But five Avengers, as Vision looked out for the count, could surely clear two alien beings.

Wanda looked to be preparing her magic for a blast, just as a train pulled past. Any passengers looking out of the window would be very confused indeed—only getting a second to see the scene in front of them, and probably thinking they were all going crazy. The one about to attack Wanda must have saw Steve on the other side of the platform, both of them looking at the train, and seeing the supersoldier himself on the other side. Eleanor began preparing to reveal herself any moment now, but they wanted multiple elements of surprise, not to come out as a group.

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