chapter 2(the meeting)

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Mrs.yi-hoon office.      
     Can you explain yourself? Miss Anderson why are you involved in this? " Ma'am you don't understand I'm the victim here she's the one who started it I wasn't at fault I promise.iradat said out of her innocense." No ma'am she insulted me and said I'm a two faced person And I can't forever be successful as their god has curse me"zhenzheng cried out trying to prove iradat guilty.
      "But you're the one I caught at the acting scene trying to make action in your hands. But miss Anderson, I thought this is a cultural diversity school with people with different religion and I think you know that right?  Why try to make a difference?" Mrs.yi-hoon said "Ma'am.... You misunderstood this, they started it and I'm not insulting their religion or believe I never did so." Iradat cried out.
     " Hmmmmm... I don't want any of this shit so I'm giving both of you detention and five detentions equals to 1 demerit and 3 demerit equals to no graduation.i hope you know this? Ohk now let me check you students file.. what's your name(looking at zhenzheng) " zhenzheng kim"zhenzheng respond.                      "" she mummured while typing the name in the computer."miss already gotten 9 detentions caught bullying and now I'm adding 1 you see you have 2 demerits. Be careful this semester or else you'll never graduate." Said Mrs.yi-hoon. "and you?(looking at iradat)" iradat Yousuf Anderson " she answered. Mrs yi-hoon typed the name on the computer and say " lucky you, you have zero demerit but you'll now have one as you've been detained 4 times for not concentrating why having class."They both kept quiet.
    "(Knock knock: the door opens) " hello, sorry I'm late Mrs.yi-hoon." a guy said from behind while opening the door of the office."welcome....(Extend for a hand shake) you're not late at all.( Shook hands)"I'm mrs.yi-hoon and I'll be your tutor, welcome to yongsan internationally school of seoul." "Thank you mrs.yi....""yi-hoon"Mrs.yi-Hoon she concluded with a smile." 'Thank you mrs.yi-hoon" he said and they both laughed.
     "Hello......" He said to zhenzheng and iradat who were already day dreaming.(he is not a korean) thought iradat while starring at him buried in her own thoughts " hello"zhenzheng greeted and extend for a hand shake."hi...he said with a smile" I'm zhenzheng " Im Areum kang " nice to meet you Areum" zhenzheng said.

" Why I'm I so stupid?" Iradat cried as she flew her bag and fell on the bed." This most really be a joke." She cried again and tumble on the bed..
"Iradat.." mom called out and open the door to her room" come down we are having some guest coming over" mom said and leave and iradat follow led her back.
Some preparations were made, iradat and Mrs.anderson cook some dishes for the guest and iradat help set the table. After every thing is all set, they both went to freshen up. Iradat got dressed in a blue black long gown that covers her body, already mom told her that they're Korean people who just


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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