Chapter 2

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Aden, King, and Zen in MM



"Come here little man" I said, grabbing Aden from Zen. It was now a little past noon and Zen and I had gotten a nice amount of sleep. I hadn't had much time with my son since Zen's ass wouldn't give him up and when she did she gave him to Dawn.

When I looked in his eyes I knew without a doubt he was mine. Just me holding him I automatically felt a connection. I couldn't believe I was someone's father. I know this was meant to be, because God does everything for a reason.

"Give my baby back" Zen whined, stretching her arms out.

"Damn Zen I just got him like ten seconds ago"' I said.

"But I want him back" she groaned.

This time I didn't even protest. I just handed him back to her before she really started to get emotional. She's already been having post pregnancy emotional issues and they were getting worse by the minute.

"You want me to go get some food?" I asked.

"Yeah can you run to that place down the street? I really want a chipotle flatbread and a strawberry and kiwi smoothie. Oh and can you get be a bag of potato chips too" She said.

"What about you little man?" I asked turning to Tommy. Dawn had left for work about an hour ago and we agreed to watch him since there wasn't any use of him going to school.

"Just get me anything." He said watching something on TV. I nodded and then took my leave. I was still pretty tired, but I had to do what I had to do.

I sluggishly walked my way to the elevator tapping away on my phone. I pushed the elevator button down and waited. While waiting for the sound of the ding I could feel a pair of eyes looking my way. I didn't pay it any attention though.

When the elevator finally arrived the mysterious pair of eyes followed me on. I glanced to my right to see a young and cute looking nurse staring at me. I hadn't really been staring I just caught a quick glimpse at her. We made eye contact and she sent a flirtatious smile my way. I politely smiled back and looked away.

"Hi, I'm Raquel" she said after a while.

"King" I simply nodded.

"Why you act like you don't want to talk to me King? I won't bite" she giggled slightly.

I laughed a little along with her. "I ain't got a problem with talkin' to you. I just got a girl" I told her, turning my attention back to my phone.

She turned her head and smacked her lips "So you assume that I'm trynna get with you? What if I just wanted to be friends?" She asked, walking a bit closer to me. I didn't look at her or show her any knowing signs of affection.

I wasn't nervous or shit like that. I just wasn't in the mood to be bothered right now. I was sleep deprived, hungry as shit, and somewhat annoyed by this girl trying to start a conversation. It was taking all of
me not to tell her to shut the hell up, but I'd be pleasant.

"Now we both know that that's not the case here." I muttered.

"What makes you so confident?"

"Shit, I'm me. What you mean?" I joked, looking her way. It was the first time I had actual gotten a good look at her and took in her full presence. I wasn't gon lie she was fine as hell. She had a nice ass and a pretty face to match, but Zen and Aden were my main focus right now.

"That's a good reason" she flirted. Before I could reply the elevator opened to let some more people on. Out of instinct Raquel scooted a bit closer to me to let the other people on.

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