52 | A Streetcar Named Desire

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After my shower, I put on a pair of sweatpants and a matching black sweater. The soft fabric felt like a gentle hug as I settled into the bed, the cool sheets wrapping around me. I closed my eyes, the day's tension beginning to melt away as sleep beckoned.

Just as I started to drift off, a creak jolted me awake. My eyes remained shut, but my senses sharpened, recognizing the distinct sound of the door opening. Instinct told me it was Dante.

I lay perfectly still, my breaths shallow and even, feigning sleep as Dante moved about the bedroom. I waited until I was sure he was preoccupied with undressing before I cracked an eye open, watching him through barely parted lashes.

He shrugged his suit jacket off of his shoulders, then he hung it with the rest of the ones of different colors. Then went his cuff links. Then his bow tie. Then the subtle shifting of his fingers against the buttons of his shirt. My lips parted in anticipation as I continued to intently watch his slow undressing, loving every second and minute of it.

His shirt loosened around the muscles of his torso as he got down to the very last button. Moonlight filtered through the window, casting a soft glow over Dante's figure as he shed his dress shirt, revealing the untouched skin, and toned muscles of his back. Each movement was deliberate, methodical, and mesmerizing.

My eyes traced the lines of his body, lingering on the subtle scars and other details of his smooth, creamy skin that most would deem imperfections but to me seemed like an extension of his timeless beauty. There was a vulnerability in his movements, a rawness that stirred something deep within me.

But just as quickly as it had begun, Dante turned away, disappearing into the depths of his walk-in closet. I closed her eyes, a contented smile playing on my lips as I relished in the memory of his presence.

• • •

My eyes were shut for a while hoping to fall asleep but couldn't. The bathroom door opened with a soft creak, signaling that he was there. Through the slits of my eye, I could see water droplets clinging to the ridges of his broad chest down to his navel which was marked with light hair. His skin was marked with beauty marks all over.

His dark, spiraling curls clung to his forehead, glistening with moisture. He ran his fingers through his hair, parting the dense locks and pushing them away from his face.

A subtle ache in between my thighs was made worse by the sight of him. As soon as I locked eyes with Dante, I shut my eyes, hoping he'd believe that I was still asleep.

"Pretending to be sleep, are we?" he teased, a small smile playing at his pouty lips.

I stayed silent, keeping up the act. My heart pounded in my chest from his warm, deep chuckle that reverberated throughout the space.

The faint sound of his footsteps gradually growing closer, made anticipation course through my veins. Knowing that the act was up, I faked a stretch and opened my eyes before he could get any closer.

"Hm?" I looked at him through a heavy-lidded gaze.

He loomed over me with a smirk gracing his lips. "Caught you," he taunted.

"What are you talking about? I was just resting my eyes."

He chuckled again, a sound that sent shivers down my spine and wetness pooling between my thighs. "Resting your eyes, huh?" He tilted his head, amusement lighting up his handsome face.

I stuck my tongue out, wetting my bottom lip, a pit of nervousness forming in my stomach. The smirk that was plastered on his face showed his enjoyment from his effect on me as he leaned down, his glinting chain hanging low from his neck.

His soft lips tickled the sensitive skin of my earlobe, making my entire body still. "You know, you're not very convincing when you fake sleep."

"Maybe I wanted you to catch me." I breathed out.

His eyebrow raised, "Is that so?" ever so slightly he leaned away so that our eyes could lock, our faces still dangerously close to one another.

"Maybe," I muttered, my eyes falling to his lips that curved into a subtle smirk.

The intimacy of our proximity tempted me to bridge the small gap separating us. As I leaned in closer, I noticed the distinct ridges of his nose, a testament to his Sicilian heritage, and the intricate patterns in his hazel eyes, adding depth and allure to his gaze.

Finally, giving in to the temptation, I pulled him closer by the golden chain that hung from his neck, initiating the kiss. Our tongues fought for dominance, each moment more intoxicating than the last.

 Our tongues fought for dominance, each moment more intoxicating than the last

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