The Regret

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Sometimes there just be random days I feel to give up-
Times when I feel our love isn't meant to be~
Days went by and you still haven't replied to me-
I know you've got problems, but I have them too
And I never let that get in the way of checking up on you.

Or maybe you don't care
Maybe you don't love me
No, I'm just overthinking too much
Well wow- isn't this lovely, I'm here overthinking again hurting myself mentally.

But I must get these answers, I must know
Do you really love me? Or is this some sick joke
I must get these answers, please love- I must do-
I'm still waiting on your reply, I really care about you
Don't leave me waiting here like a fool.

I wonder if you gave up- if you gave up on "Us"
Don't you want to be together anymore? Or is this just your love
If this is your definition of love then I don't want it
Your love is something no one deserves if it means being ghosted and unheard.

This is that one point In time I felt soo much pain
I really love you, but I think this is it
The way that your making me feel is really sh!t
You were the best I had, and that's why I'm holding on
But a wise man once told me nothing good lass long.

I really enjoyed your company, and the way you'd make me feel~
You'd always make me happy even with little to give
But it's over now, and I never wanna see you again
And thats our story with a sad end.~

~Thanks for raeding~
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